Wednesday, May 13, 2020

l literally laughed out loud - time to go!

Today has been pretty interesting.
Comcast has dedicated this week as a Watchathon for several premium channels, including Showtime, STARZ, HULU, and HBO.
I had expected movies to be on the agenda and was quite excited!
I was sadly mistaken.
The aim was to introduce the viewers to new serials in the hopes of getting subscriptions.
Well, I'm not planning on that.
Comcast already gets close to a Benjamin from me every month for my entertainment and education, and that is a gracious plenty.
Still, I was rather pleased to have been able to watch the new Nathan Lane series on Showtime.
"Pennydreadful: City Of Angels" is set in Los Angeles in 1938, with Nathan as a detective paired up with the first Chicano police officer at LAPD.
I first became aware of its existence when he spoke of it on "CBS Sunday Morning" a few weeks back.
My thoughts?
While I did enjoy him in the show, and I liked the story line in it, one thing kept me from getting hooked: the prettiness of the devil of death.
I found it out of keeping with the character.
That's a shame.

I watched the show after my doctor appointment "at" the VA.
That consisted of me talking via phone with Ms. Susan Barker for about forty minutes.
Mostly, she was wanting to check on my mental state through casual conversation, as she usually does.
Somehow, we started talking about HIV and AIDS and vaccines and time lines for such things, all to put this new threat to human existence into perspective a bit.
She told me a very funny story about an idiot shopper at the grocery store, not wearing a mask, not observing social distancing, and continually bumping her with his cart.
Mind, she was clad in her medical garb, plus a mask, so the guy was clearly stupid.
After asking him politely twice - TWICE! - to stop, she went off on him, shaming him for his rudeness, shaming him for his lack of respect for others, and making sure he understood he was in the wrong.
He moved to another lane!
Hahahahaha! Hahahaha!
She had also clarified to the idiot that she was wearing the mask to protect him.
I know, right?
I had to do that just the other day for a family member on fb.
His page had an article from the Washington Post about the Surgeon General saying to not wear masks, contradicting what he had said earlier to the public.
Here's what I wrote.
"What people fail to understand is that the masks to be worn in public are NOT to keep THEM from getting the virus.
The masks are to keep THEM from possibly giving the virus TO OTHERS.
The only reason the surgeon general said what he did is because people do NOT understand how the masks work.
People behave as though the mask will make THEM invincible; that is NOT what the mask is meant to do.
Wearing the mask is a sign of caring about the health of others.

So, after my doctor visit, I had watched the show, then I mowed the back yard...
then I mowed the front yard...
and had to dump the clippings catcher four times...
which really surprised me, as the grass didn't seem that overgrown.
Best of all, the battery still had juice when I was done!

Plus, by that time, "Quantum Leap" was on, so I got my fix on time travel.
Then, PFS had a 1945 movie (!), a little later than usual, but it was short, so, all total, everyone was "there" the same length of time for movie viewing and post-movie discussion as normal.

Then, before I signed off fb, I did a few "touch-and-go" look-ins on some family and friends, to let them know I was checking in and checking on them.
Then, I saw this on Hallie's page!

It looks to be a 1950's kitchen scene.
The woman says, "Am I a good mother, Susan?"
The little girl replies, "My name is Amy."
I busted out laughing!
For much of the time I was growing up, I would get called by other family names, like Sybil (Mama), Linda (my maternal aunt), or Lorena (Grandmama).
At one point, they had had all three been mothering me together, while Daddy was stationed in Texas with the Air Force.
So, they had gotten into the habit then of mixing up the names - or calling roll - when I was just a baby.
This cartoon just reminded me of that, plus was so wickedly funny, with the mom thinking she was so good because she was cooking with her daughter... and then calling the wrong name!
"Hallie, my new rule on fb is that when a post makes me laugh out loud, then it's time to sign off.
Today, that post was YOURS!
Thank you so much for that laugh!"

i thank You, God, for another day of life and laughter!
Laughter truly is the best medicine for the soul!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Today, I discovered that movies ARE part of the Watchathon!!!
I am going to try to catch as many as I am interested in before this ends on May 17.