Thursday, May 28, 2020

birthday eve dinner, from the peanut festival

What fun I had with Sam and Al - those guys really rock my world!
Thank you, Universe, for bringing them for me to enjoy as I continue to shelter at home!
All that bouncing around in time worked up my appetite, for sure!
For dinner, y'all!
Well, and probably some sweet dreams, too, even though Sam never even took off his shirt tonight.
That's no nevermind - I know about that lovely hair on his chest, and those broad shoulders, and that lovely derriere...
umm, let's save that for later, eh?
after cooking fancy the last few days, I decided to make something more along the lines of my 'usual' for a change of pace.
I'd had the bfrb open that last jar of butternut sketti sauce, from the peanut festival last year.
Time to use that in a one-pot casserole!
A mess of corkscrew pasta would do the trick to hold that sauce quite well!
I added a can of chicken breast so my body can have the amino acids to build more hemoglobin - to replace what was given away today, of course.
Plus some chunky bits of garlic, to keep away vampires -
though, on second thought, neck nibblers are nice to have around -
and then to eat it all with...
"well, hell, let's use chopsticks", I thought...
and so I had dinner and ate it without a fork!
That definitely changes the pacing of a meal!

I watched an interesting movie about an astrophysicist, too.
It was called "Clara", which happened to be the name of his assistant.
She was actually an artist, but he needed someone to help him look through lots of data to try to find evidence of an exoplanet.
She had agreed to the task because she had a piece of a meteorite that had fallen on Antarctica and she, like him, was fascinated by the thought of life elsewhere.
Like I said, it was an interesting movie.
Plus, Crackle offered it for free and I'd never seen it -
win, win!

Now, I'm washing the dishes so I wake up to a clean pan.
I intend to have my creation, the pepperoni omelet pizza, for breakfast!
I think I just may chop a little more garlic for it...
oh, yes!
Looking forward to starting my day with dragon breath!!!


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