Thursday, May 28, 2020

shake yer groove thing, shake yer groove thing, yeah yeah!

Show me how you do it, now!
Nothing like a dance tune with a killer beat to really make me move my feet!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
So far, so good on this birthday62 eve!
My blood donation went without a hitch, natch, and I even finished up before a young man across the room - wow!
Maybe his blood was reluctant to leave, but mine likes helping others!
While I was waiting my turn, I was talking with Debra and mentioned that I was so glad I was called to "come on in!", rather than wait for the 7:15 PM appointment.
By being there earlier, I was able to keep my "date" with those two "Quantum Leap" men, at 6 PM and 7 PM, jetting out on a Commet (TV) to link up!
She got a kick out of that!
Plus, she is a big fan of science fiction and likes the show, too!
Then, it turns out that Dina - the one who had called to urge me in - is a big sci-fi nerd, too!
How very nice to know they'll be watching 'with' me from now on!

Knowing my tank was finally around empty, I stopped at my favorite pump with the bargain basement prices, the tiny Walmart on Abercorn, near Tibet.
Would you look at that price?!
It was only $1.65 per gallon!!!
I realize the price is low because no one is going anywhere they don't have to go...
but what great timing for my birthday present!

Now, I'm home again and pumping iron...
pumping it back into my arteries!
Actually, this meal wouldn't do it, as there's only about 5% of the RDA in it.
However, those Quaker Oatmeal Squares I'll be snacking on for the 7 PM show have a whopping 90% RDA per serving!
That is most likely why my iron count today was 15.2, the highest ever for me.
Guess I'll be remembering that snack!

Guess I'll be signing off right now, too...
my alarm for my "date" with Sam and Al just sounded!
Plus, guess what I found out?
Comet will be gracing me with a Quantum Leap-a-thon on Sunday!!!
Hooray and hallelujah!!!
What a perfect gift to end my birthday weekend!

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