Sunday, January 3, 2021

what's the first thing you'll do?


That was Christa's query to each of us after our 'zoom' midnight toast to 2021.

I had answered "travel", then followed that with "down to Kissimmee", to visit with the "Sweet Caroline" girls.

Lauri and Lynn had seconded that motion, going so far as to invite all four of us to their new place for the send-off of this year.

Last night - or very early this morning before I went to sleep, as it were - I saw that Christa had posed the query on fb.

I've changed my answer to "dine out with friends".

Not that spending December 31st with Christa, Lauri, Lynn, Barbara, Sandy, and others in sunny Florida is not still on my list, mind, because it most def is.

But that 3-foot span across a table at a restaurant, whether inside or out, cannot truly be called safe social distancing.

Alligators must be 6-foot to qualify for that.

So, I have not dined with my tres amigas since mid-March.

True, I did Bonefish with Barbara for my birthday62 in June, and I Carey'd with Carolyn in October after a bit of magic... but that's all I've had with them since mid-March.

The only dining I've had with the bfe physicist or the baseball-loving Eagle Scout has been over brunch at my house, with their mugs smiling at me on their mugs.

I have not dined with my brother Smitty and his wife except by mug, either, and I haven't even been able to do that - yet - with my youngest brother Tony and his wife nor with my middle brother Ronnie.

At least I dined live with the running bear psychologist on several occasions, with the most recent being about two months ago; now, with him called away, I'll only see him over coffee.

Honestly, if not for my first niece and her brother, I would have had no one except waitstaff to talk to as I dined out.

i thank You, God, for them.

Here's to better dining days - and nights! - ahead!

Now, off to "WW84" for a second BigD viewing, this time with Carolyn.

I'll definitely look forward to post-movie discussions over a table in the future.

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