Saturday, January 2, 2021

perfect for today

I had texted mi tres amigas the lure of a movie this afternoon and another tomorrow.
Barbara had said "maybe" for today, as well as Sandy; Carolyn said "yes" for tomorrow's.
I went ahead to the 3:45 (such an unusual, but pleasing, start time) of the 2003 $5 Fan Favorite, not knowing if I might be the only one.
Of course, I was not the only one.
Wait, let me clarify.
As it turned out, mine was the only physical presence...
but, as the odometer attested, I was not alone.
215600: a nice, round, number, just like Mama likes.
I am never alone.
"Love Actually" (is all around) was the perfect movie for today!
I had forgotten that it was a Christmas movie, so that made it perfect, too.
I adore holiday-themed tales in the late fall and winter!
This movie had several different tales interwoven, with a sister in this one and her brother in that one; two people in the porn industry shedding a light as well as their clothes; a boy in love and a girl in a lobster costume and another as an octopus for a different telling of the nativity; an aging rock star and a Prime Minister - delightful!
Celebrating love in all its forms - new, old, waning, young, complicated, simple, hopeful, grieving, forming, platonic, brotherly, motherly, sisterly, fatherly, family, friends - it was a reminder that love is not limited to couples.
That was perfect for today.
This date marks the twentieth anniversary of Mama's death.
I am grateful she was there with me in that empty screening room.
She was not the only one, though.
This movie was my 73rd since the cinemas reopened in late August.
That lets me know that Daddy was there, too.
Plus, I had people still on Earth who checked in on me today.
My first niece texted earlier to say I was in her thoughts and I had reassured her that I was well and soon to see a movie with friends.
Mister Willie called earlier, to check on me and see that I was doing well, so I had reassured him that I was, too.
And, truly, I have been well.
Right now, I'm sipping on peppermint tea, having updated my journal.
I had thought about starting a new one for 2021, but, as we are still in a state of pandemic, I'm soldiering on in this one.
It just feels like the right thing to do.
Opening the packet of tea received after Imam Maajid Faheem 'Ali died in 2016 also felt like the right thing to do.
That packet was a gesture of love from his family to all who came to celebrate his life.
I can almost hear his voice telling me that every little thing is going to be alright. 
Perfect for today.
i thank You, God.

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