Tuesday, January 26, 2021

at least today is warm

I have been a bit bummed out today.
Yesterday's mail in late afternoon had brought the latest JEA newsletter.
I had eagerly awaited it, as I knew from Barbara that the Jewish Film Festival was soon, but I didn't know yet the dates.
Before I could even open it, the front page headline grabbed my attention.
"The Davids & Me"
Liking their nostalgia pieces, I lingered...
and found out the OB/GYN that gave me my own Polar Express had died.
The news caught me completely off-guard.
Yes, I was aware that he had retired a couple of years ago, as had his wife, Peggy Byck, who had been my GP for years before I started using the local VA center.
Somehow, I had thought they were both older than me.
I'm not sure about her age, but he was only 60 years old when he died in November.
That means he was born the same year as my brother Smitty.
As I read the article, filled to overflowing with fraternal love from one of that band of four 'brothers from other mothers', I found myself weeping.
I pulled up the obituary and read it twice, realizing that he had battled cancer several years.
How very sad that this man known for a wonderful sense of humor had been forced to deal with such pain for an extended time.
Needing to feel some sense of closure, I checked the link for the graveside service.
Was the video still available online?
It was... i thank You, God.
I thank you, too, Rabbi Haas, for loving words of comfort, not only for Peggy and their three grown daughters, not only for those few at the graveside during this pandemic, but for the hundreds that have watched this video from the safety of their homes, either on that day or months later.
David Byck touched many lives during his career.
I'm glad our paths intersected for a brief moment.
What a lasting impact he had on my life.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

I posted this in the Guest Book of David Byck's obituary.

"Dear Peggy and family,
My heart goes out to you.
I can't say that I really knew David, except as the obgyn doctor who performed my hysterectomy and provided the following treatment.
I could tell he was graced with a delightful sense of humor and still clearly recall our conversation when he was removing the staples from the surgery site.
I wrote of that encounter in my blog and hope it will provide a smile for your heart.

I am blessed to have known him.
I am grateful to Jeff Kohl for the front page article in the JEA newsletter that let me know of his passing.
I am grateful for the video of the graveside service.
my love and prayers,
Faustina (Tina) Smith"