Monday, January 4, 2021

good times jar

I first heard of having such a thing several years ago: a jar filled with receipts and ticket stubs for good times shared with others during the course of a year.
I had laughingly remarked that mine would be stuffed tight within a matter of months!
Then, the pandemic struck.
Suddenly, my world of theatre and cinema and brunches and luncheons and dinners with others ground to an absolute stop on March 24.
That's when I thought about the jar.
I had a 13-inch tall pasta container that I thought to use - it had been a gift from Paul and Cathy.
I began using it that first day of the lock-down and all year through December 31.
It was reassuring to watch the events slowly gathering behind the glass.
Then, by summer, they really began to pile up, between the baseball games, the re-opening of the cinemas and restaurants, and the proliferation of Zoom events.
Oh, yes, the online gatherings with people I knew and could converse with were most definitely included!
I needed to feel that I was part of a world community, that I was still able to be with those I know and love...
the filling of that jar reminded me that I was not alone.
i thank You, God.
Now, with the pandemic far from done, I still need that reassurance.
I still need to be able to look at that jar and see physical reminders of good times shared.
How blessed I am to already have several items in there: the front of box for the cornbread taken to Hinesville for that first luncheon; the movie ticket for "WW84" shared with Carolyn; a second movie ticket, this one "News Of The World", again with Carolyn.
That's a good start for a year that's only just begun!
i thank You, God!

I've also been reminded, through a social experiment on fb, that those who know and love me are keeping tabs on me.
Just look at these responses to the post I left there just a few days ago!
***   ***   ***
Faustina Smith
I LIKE TᕼIS IᗪEᗩ. ᒪEᗩᐯE ᗩ ᑭOSITIᐯE ᗯOᖇᗪ I ᑕᗩᑎ ᑕᗩᖇᖇY ᖴOᖇ 2021 TᕼᗩT STᗩᖇTS ᗯITᕼ TᕼE FIRST ᒪETTEᖇ Oᖴ YOᑌᖇ ᑎᗩᗰE. IT ᑕᗩᑎ OᑎᒪY ᗷE ONE ᗯOᖇᗪ. TᕼEᑎ ᑕOᑭY TᕼIS TO YOᑌᖇ ᗯᗩLL
My Word is "Faith”.

Kathy Hodges

Jan Parham Williams

Shayla Edgell

Sheryl Petroski Pena

Sherry Moore

Brenda Williams Long

Lynn Engler

Penny Walker Bos

Zakk De Long

Stephanie Mostashari

Barbara Narcarti

Barbara Narcarti

Robbie Prouty Rush

Genie Brazzeal Lawson

Jeff Powless

Jo Coleman-Williams

Rhonda S. Curby

Sandra Voelker

Damitta Roberts

Sandra Cherise Karlin

JinHi Soucy Rand

Axelle Kieffer

Melinda McEwen

Pat Andres

Christopher Jean Soucy

Linda Walker

***   ***   ***
My thanks to Jackie Frant for getting me started with that fb post.
And my many thanks for all who brought JOY to this undertaking and for helping me to remember how important that word is to the quality of life.
Meanwhile, I'm closing this with the words from George Michaels' song.

"I need someone to hold me
but I wait for something more...
'cause I gotta have FAITH,
I gotta have FAITH, FAITH, FAITH! "

1 comment:

faustina said...

While looking for something else, I found this post instead.

Funny how time slips away...