Thursday, January 21, 2021

wasn't even looking for a wayward elf named wayne

And yet, there he was, lounging around, watching television, instead of getting the roof and the house ready for Santa's arrival.
Worse yet, he was gnawing away at a cookie that had been intended for the jolly man in red!
But, perhaps worst of all, he was neglecting his duties of training a new elf, one that was a bit of a klutz.
And just why was it that "Prep And Landing" was on my screen instead of the music special?
Well, partly I blame my lascivious nature and my memory.
When I'd turned on the telly and seen which "Quantum Leap" episodes were airing, I made a command decision to watch this one (s2e15) at 7 PM.
Of course my reason for doing so is quite obvious, n'est-ce pas?
A 'Sam Beckett wrapped in a towel' is a hand that rather soundly bests anything with fully-clad folks.
I'm rather glad I stayed for it.
When I checked On Demand afterward for "Celebrating America", it was gone.
No longer was it listed in the ABC specials, nor in the CBS specials, nor even on NBC.
I even checked FOX, not expecting it to be there as it had not aired on that channel last night - nor was it there now. 
The only place it still existed was in the list of shows I'd recently watched.
But when I clicked the title, an error message was all I received.
How very odd.
I'll go ahead and watch the 2011 follow-up for the little 2009 Christmas special with the Dave Foley-voiced wayward elf.
And what is that one titled?
"Prep And Landing 2: Naughty vs. Nice" - sounds like fun!
More elves to tickle my funny bone!
(Yes, I'm making lemonade!)

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