Saturday, January 9, 2021

another penny from heaven

No, it wasn't outside the cinema.
I was there for a second viewing of "The Croods: A New Age", but this time with my first niece's family.
That's CJ in the foreground, with his Dad at the end of the line.
Beside him is littlest girl, then sister Chlo, and then Christina.
And guess what?
They all laughed and enjoyed the movie, seen for their first time - and I laughed and enjoyed it, too!
Afterward, the Christians, father and son, both ventured off to a meeting about a sports car show.
That left us four girls to rustle up some dinner and pizza at Cici's was our game plan.
I was rather concerned about hitting such a popular place at 6:30 on a Sunday evening.
That concern seemed well-founded when we arrived and had to wait outside until it was safe to come in.
Waiting outside in 40-something chill, at that.
If I had been alone, I would have left... but I waited.
I knew this time together was very important to Christina.
She lost her third, and last, grandpa on Thursday.
Lee McEwen, her stepdad's father, died from COVID.
Now, someone will have to take care of his wife, who is mentally unable to live alone.
The situation has really put a strain on Christina, as the family is acting as if the pandemic is no longer an issue... when that's the very reason he is dead.
So, as I said, I waited, to share a meal with her and offer support.
Finally we made out way into the foyer and ordered, but we still had to wait while the large group in front of us took their turn being served on the pizza line.
Again, if I had been alone, I would have left... but I waited.
And that's when I saw the penny, practically glowing, so shiny and bright!
It must have been recently minted, it was that clean and coppery.
But I left it there by the wall, in the entryway.
I knew if I reached down for it, Chloe would see and might pick up something else from the floor and put it in her mouth.
It's just her nature to do so... so I left the penny where it was.
But I knew why it was there.
Right place, right time.
Message received.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Shouldn't that be FOUR grandfathers for my first niece?
Well, technically, that would be correct.
However, due to a falling out between her father and his/my father, she never had a chance to know my Daddy, nor her him.
As he died in 2009, that opportunity has expired.
When she was born, her first grandfather was "Grandpa" David Johnson; he died 2017.
Before she was two years old, her Grammy (Mama) had married and so then Christina had "Pop" Frank Barry; he died in 2011.
She was very close to both of those grandfathers and they were the only two for the first fifteen years of her life, even during her parents' divorce.
Then her mom married Matt, bringing his dad, Lee McEwen, into her life, as he has been for the past two decades.
So, again, while she technically had four grandfathers, she has only had three that were part of her life.
Got that?