Tuesday, January 12, 2021

laughing out loud in 2021

"There was this guy who was looking for the best hollandaise sauce, and a friend suggested that he look in Nome, Alaska. When questioned why in Nome, the friend replied...

everyone knows there is no place like Nome for the hollandaise."

Hahahaha hahaha!

Thanks again, Mary Prokop, for making me laugh out loud - and singing the song! - as I left fb!

"Sad news! I broke up with my girlfriend Loraine. She found out I was seeing another girl, Claire Lee. Good news though!

I can see Claire Lee now, Loraine is gone!"

Hahahaha hahaha!

Thanks again, Hallie Allgood, for making me laugh out loud -and singing the song! - as I left fb!

Here's another from that woman in Louisiana who's had me leave fb laughing since I started that good habit in May!

A cow, a pig, and a chicken are in the office, with the farmer's head in the computer monitor and the cow on the phone.

"Tech support... I'd like to report a FARMER in the DELL!"

Yes, oh, yes, laughing, and singing, too!

Keep 'em comin', Hallie!

While two camels gaze on, two men in robes, one holding a a shiny block and the other a bottle of perfume, face a third man in robes who is standing next to Frankenstein's monster. The white-bearded man holding the perfume says to the dark-bearded one:

"Right, we've picked up the gold and the myrrh... what on Earth is that?!"


Thanks, purple-haired Barbara Gooby, for making sure I left fb in a jovial mood!

And while we have these wise guys, consider this panel, this time with the dark-bearded robed man holding a bottle of perfume, while the white-bearded man in robes has a statue of a mythical ocean creature. Here's their conversation.

"What I said was: 'I'll make the frankincense, you get the myrrh made!' "


Thanks, Danny Beam, for making me laugh out loud as I took my departure from fb!

In fact, that former Baptist minister makes me laugh quite a bit!

Here's a more recent one, with a young man in a suit, collar and tie loosened, standing in a a front yard and looking to the right of the person holding the camera.

"After half an hour trying to figure out this crazy haircut, I realized it's a coconut tree behind him."


It almost looks like his hair is done with lots of little mohawk ridges!

Okay, away I go!

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