Sunday, January 10, 2021

looking at Daddy's Trees

I had the sound off on my phone and had not set an alarm.
I was blowing off church, as I knew Billy would not be preaching.
Even so, I was awakened by something.
And when I checked my phone, my ex had sent the first of three photographs and was in the process of sending the other two to me.
They were shots he took of Daddy's Trees.
When I was talking with him last month, I had made a request that he do so.
I had learned a few years ago where the Arbor Day Foundation had placed the grove of 72 new homes for birds and wildlife.
Then, a couple of months ago when I was locating the town where Jeff and Amy live, I found out they are close to two portions of the Huron-Manistee National Forest.
That's when the idea took root to ask for a photo.
I had been concerned about asking for such a favor.
After all, things that look close on a map are not necessarily so in real life.
Plus I didn't want him to think they needed to make a special trip of it.
Fortunately, I needn't have worried about that point.

They were having a drive, just to get out of the house and go nowhere in particular, on a blue-sky day this past weekend.
When he saw the sign, that sparked the memory of my request and so they had stopped and he took the three shots of the trees.
Truly beautiful, aren't they?
This is my favorite of the three.
I haven't tried to count them to see how many there are, but I'm sure these are at least some of the trees in Daddy's grove.
I can just feel it.
I've shared the photos with my stepmom Bonnie.
I know she will love them, too.
What a lovely way to begin this day!
Thank you so much, Jeff!


faustina said...

You know, it may not have been by accident that the ex thought of me this past weekend.
Steven Raichlen, the guy who cooks everything - including desserts - using his smoker or his grill just happened to be on tv on Saturday afternoon.
I took a photo of the listing - it was his episode with Brazilian meats, including Churrascos - and sent it to Jeff.
So, if not for the smoke king on PBS on Saturday...
and if not for the conversation Jeff and I had about smoked food...
and if not for me happening to watch PBS at the time...
and if not for me texting the photo to the man in Michigan...
I would not have had these pictures of Daddy's Trees.
I wonder if they were taken on a drive on Saturday or on Sunday?
I think Sunday was the day.
Nice work, that coincidence stuff.

faustina said...

Looking back through the text messages we'd sent, I found that perhaps he was telepathing me on Saturday.
Or, maybe I was telepathing him.
In either case, around the same time I saw the cooking show and sent the photo and text about it to him, he must have been riding around in the forest and taking pictures.
i thank You, God.

faustina said...

10 January 2021
Dear Bonnie,
I had found out where the grove of Daddy's trees were planted: The Huron-Manistee National Forest.
Jeff and Amy live just a couple of hours from part of that and I had asked him to send me photos the next time he was in that area.
This morning, he did!
Now, I can't guarantee that 72 of these particular trees were planted in 2009... but I am sure some of them were.
I just wanted you to see them, too.
with much love always,
ps I especially like the third photo.

12 January 2021
Thank you for sharing....a remembrance that gives and gives ....fresh air, habitat for wildlife, more trees and lumber plus beautiful scenery. Love you, Bonnie

faustina said...

The link to donate trees in honor of a loved one has changed.*1j6l3x2*_gcl_au*MTkwNzQxMjQ5OS4xNjkxMzQ3MDE2*_ga*MTY1NDI3NjMyNS4xNjkxMzQ3MDE3*_ga_S539C3X6HH*MTY5MTM0NzAxNi4xLjEuMTY5MTM0NzE0Ny42MC4wLjA.