Friday, November 6, 2020

fabulous faustina friday!

Remember when I sent out Halloween cards to the greats a couple weeks ago?
I had a brainstorm and enclosed stamped, addressed, post cards with each one, along with a simple request to each recipient:
please draw a picture or write about something you like and return to me.
The post cards were all old, old, old, hanging around here unseen for the most part.
These two were from a trip to the Jacksonville Zoo in the 1980's or thereabouts, with a group of grad school friends.
Off they went to Alabama, the hippo to Conner, the buffalo to Merritt...
and today they came home to me!!!
With words on them!!!
Words my two nephews wrote!!!
How very magical!!!
And what good timing - I was just talking about my Halloween experiment!
This was a first Friday, so the Boomers had their luncheon and I was there!!!
I have so missed these people!
Sue Gorecki is doing her best to keep us all engaged with these and doing a bang-up job!
(Reminds me of the Lunch Ladies!)
Today, we weren't downtown but at a little place on Wilmington Island, J. Thomas Kitchen.
The other six had lunch, but I had brunch an hour earlier, so I opted for dessert instead!
This huge slab of Hummingbird Cake was super good and only $4 - wow!!!
Why this particular choice?
Well, Grandma used to make this.
As she has been on my mind of late, I thought I'd see how well J. Thomas' recipe held up to her standard.
Apparently, the chef is Southern, too!
Yep, I was definitely meant to be here for this gathering!
Right place, right time.
Tonight, I'll be dining on Thai...
at The King And I...
then attending "Goldeneye"...
and that's all the rhymin' I've got!
Bfrb, bear, and panda don't give that "aye" sound!
Plus, the movie is actually "Goldfinger", in honor of Sean Connery.
So... there's that.

1 comment:

faustina said...

To date, the two postcards are the only ones returned to me.
None from Caitly, Kobe, Ally, or Aubree.
Drats, as Charlie Brown would say.