Thursday, January 7, 2021

really, truly, most sincerely - the incumbent is done

It was past 11 PM before the House of Representatives had finished.
Not only had they taken every minute of the two hours allotted, in five-minute chunks, but they had been quite slow to cast their votes on whether the arguments had confirmed or negated the objection voiced almost ten hours earlier.
In the end, as expected, the objection was overturned and Arizona's Electoral College results were accepted.
Forty minutes later, the Joint Session to COunt Electoral College Votes was finally able to reconvene to continue "the people's work".
Vice-President Pence's opening remarks reminded all would-be terrorists in the world that "violence never wins; freedom wins."
Then the roll call of the States' results was resumed, the red boxes containing that information back in place on the desk.
That was very reassuring to me.
The results for Arizona were formally accepted and added to the count.
The next seven sets of results - for Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, and Florida - were read, met with no objection, and the tally continued, with the incumbent's total far behind that of the elected.
Then the results for Georgia were read.
A Representative from Texas raised an objection... but the Georgia Senator had withdrawn her support.
Objection denied!
And so the roll call went.
The results for Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa - all accepted.
The results for Kansas, Kentucky, and Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, and Massachusetts - accepted without quarrel.
Then it was Michigan's turn -
"Objection!", a Representative cried.
"Denied for lack of Senate support", he was told by Mike Pence, as the results were officially accepted.
I almost felt giddy with relief.
My euphoria continued as state after state - Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska - had their results read, with the Vice-President words -
"Hearing no objection" - marking their numbers into the official tallies of the Republican and Democratic candidates.
Then came Nevada.
"Objection!", a different Representative cried.
"Denied for lack of Senate support", he was told by Mr. Pence.
Then the results for that home of Las Vegas were officially accepted.
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York - all results accepted!
North Carolina, North Dakota - into the tallies with your data!
Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon - yes, yes, yes!
Then it was time for Pennsylvania.
"Objection!", yet another Representative cried... with a Senator in tow.
It was almost midnight-thirty.
So much for the proceedings ending in a timely manner so all could return home.
The Senators completed their debate and were done with their vote within an hour.
The Representatives were intent on grandstanding for the folks back home - got to be mindful of the next election, of course. Truly frustrating and time wasting.
No one said anything during their five-minute allotment on the debate about Nevada's results than they'd already said during their allowed five-minute speeches during the debate on Arizona's results.
After dawdling away the first three hours of the new day, and probably taking an extended bathroom break, the House of Representatives was finally ready to join the Senate and allow the Joint Session to reconvene.
I can only imagine how frustrated the Vice President was by the shenanigans of many of his party members there tonight.
It was 3:25 AM - making this event a true feat of endurance for those who rise at 5 AM or earlier for their work day - and this task still needed to be completed for the American people...
for me.
The roll call picked up with Rhode Island after Pennsylvania's results had been officially accepted into the count.
No objections were heard for that tiny state.
Next were South Carolina and South Dakota, Tennessee and Texas, Utah and Vermont - all accepted without a murmur.
Virginia, Washington, West Virginia - their results went straight to the tallies.
Wisconsin followed and was stopped short by a Representative's "Objection!"
"Denied for lack of Senate support" was the response from the podium.
i thank You, God.
I'm sure that was the reaction from almost everyone there - it was certainly mine.
I'm a night owl usually, but I was up at 6:30 AM, anxious as I had been to see this.
Now, my energy was flagging and the fade bear was coming with his velvet paws.
Not much longer, though.
Wisconsin's results were accepted, as were those of Wyoming, the final state in the roll call.
With 306 EC votes to the incumbent's 232, Joe Biden was officially certified as the elected President, with incumbent Vice-President Pence making the announcement.
i thank You, God.

I think I'll still refrain from saying the incumbent's name, though.
No need to tempt more evil to befall this country I love.


faustina said...

Does the post title ring a bell?
Well, it should.
I was referring to the words spoken by the mortician about the Wicked Witch of the East when he was certifying her death.
There were no comparable words spoken about Beetlejuice -
that's because he changed his ways.

Ding dong!
The witch is dead!
Which old witch?
The wicked witch of the East; which is where the incumbent is from.

faustina said...

As of today, the incumbent has been permanently banned from Twitter - too little, too late.

Better than allowing the lame-duck angry bird to keep up his rant.

He was already suspended indefinitely from facebook - again, too little, too late.

And now, some app I've never heard of - no doubt because I am not a follower of the angry bird incumbent - is also in danger of being disappeared from the web, due to increased threats from those who use it.

wasn't the purpose of Bush's Patriot Act to prevent terrorists from planning such actions as the siege of The Capitol?

faustina said...

Kimmi Sampieri
fb 7 January 2021
Yesterday was disgusting and surreal. Not only were people trying to void MY vote, AGAIN... but then traitors temporarily took over the capital... with the sheer force of their white privilege.
This is America. It is the America bought and paid for by indulgence of that fascist lunatic that was supposed to be our president.
I don't know how anyone didn't see it coming. I am only surprised, and thankful, there weren't more needless deaths.
It was crazy to see people "joking" about it while it was happening... "Democrats deserve whatever happens remember they'll burn businesses down and kill people." That is a direct quote of a reply made to a friend who had posted scared for the lives of senators.
The United States of America needs to figure out how to make some real changes and unite before it's too late.

Faustina Smith
As a veteran, I am very disappointed that veterans chose to be terrorists on Wednesday. I was actually watching the proceedings on C-SPAN, as I never had done so. I was aghast that AMERICANS would lay siege to The Capitol. I have had a very difficult time wrapping my head around the events and am trying to get to a day when I don't sob. I understand there are people out there who are easily led astray... but, to attack The Capitol??? Heartbreaking.

Rhonda S. Curby
Faustina Smith, I’m right there with you.

faustina said...

Jo Coleman-Williams
fb 7 January 2021

Rep. Andy Kim Helps Clean Up Capitol After Riot In Photo Gone Viral | TODAY

Faustina Smith
As a veteran, I am heartsick that veterans chose to be terrorists on Wednesday. I was actually watching the proceedings on C-SPAN, as I never had done so. I was aghast that AMERICANS would lay siege to The Capitol. I have had a very difficult time wrapping my head around the events and am trying to get to a day when I don't sob. I understand there are people out there who are easily led astray... but, to attack The Capitol??? Heartbreaking.

Jo Coleman-Williams
Faustina Smith, I feel the same way. Been there several times.

faustina said...

The repercussions of the terrorist attack on The Capitol are going to affect Republican pocketbooks.

Seventy terrorists have been arrested so far, with the FBI having files on 160 total; one terrorist was turned in my his ex.

The incumbent has been cut off from his followers by social media and will be facing impeachment proceedings (though they cannot commence until 100 days into the new presidency).

So far, three Congressmen at The Capitol that day have tested positive for COVID, leading to concerns that the riots may have sparked a super-spreader event, as several Republican Congressmen were not following protocol and wearing masks.
Those infected at this time are calling for fines against those not wearing masks.