Friday, August 28, 2020

bananas, bacon, and ... flamingoes?

By the time I was through the gate and seated, the game was in the bottom of the fifth inning.
That was fine, though - my data-gathering 'COVID homework' was done and my evening was free.
Time to enjoy one last bit of fun with the boys of summer!
That's right.
This was my final game of the season, even though they still have a few more in this Breakfast Bowl.
Macon Bacon had two runs at that point, while the Savannah Bananas was scoreless.
Clint Hardy came up to bat and got a solid single, but that proved of no help and the inning soon ended.
Good thing there was such a magnificent sky to enjoy!
Right place, right time.
This vantage point gave me a better view of the first-base coach dancing, so that was a bonus, too.
The sixth inning came and went for the Bacon, and I stood for the "Salute To The Troops", along with one other on the aluminum bleachers.
The bottom of that inning saw the bases loaded with Bananas!
Were the guys beginning to rally?
Um, no.
The Bacon pitcher was wild and was giving out walks like candy, even walking in our first run.
Thanks, fella!
Top of the eighth found a wild one on the Bananas' mound.
The Donut guy was walked, stole another two bases, and made it home - good for him!
Then we had Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, and one on the griddle!
No grand slam here, either, but the Macon team got another three runs, thanks to a bad Banana or two, bringing their total to seven runs on the board.
I chose that break to head for the picnic area.
It was a fireworks night and my 'gators needed more space.
A far-reaching double to center field brought two Bananas over the plate, amping up their score to three runs.
Two outs later, the 8th inning was over and so was the game, as per Banana Rules, like the last one.
No, apparently not.
With kids being urged to flood the picnic area, I left.
I nearly drove right past my house.
If not for the absolute knowledge that it had to be my house, since it was between Diane's and Jessica's, I would have.
After all, I don't have a flock of flamingos nesting in my front yard - or did I?
After last night's movie, real and dream are merging states for me.
If the 12 birds are still here at sun up, then I'll know they're real.
I rather hope they are!

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