Saturday, August 29, 2020

catching up with the psychotronic

Sometimes I don't actually get around to watching the PFS offerings for a while.
Take "Bill And Coo", an adorable little film from 1948, starring a nice variety of birds.
That's Bill, on the left, separated by the minister marrying him to orange-breasted Coo.
It reminded me of the Popovich show in Las Vegas!
I saw it on August 1, though it was the movie-of-the-day for May 24.
Thanks, Jim!
The other PFS movie I watched on August 1 was "Mitchell", a 1975 flick starring Joe Don Baker as a fairly rough-and-tumble detective a la 'Dirty Harry', but less neat and tidy.
I found myself really enjoying it, surprised by how much the man resembled Elvis Presley.
Had he ever been an ETA?
After the movie, I looked it up.
Why, yes, yes he had, when he was in high school!
I was just a week late watching it - 
thanks, Jim!
Now, this one I actually watched on its appointed day!
I think that made my third time of ever seeing it, with the first during my college days at Armstrong, at a festival of 'bad' movies.
"The Terror Of Tiny Town", a 1938 western musical, was novel for featuring an all dwarf cast.
It actually is quite charming and was meant to be taken as a serious endeavor.
The second time I'd seen only part of it, starting with this scene.
I'd not realized the movie was a musical because I never got to see this part, with the hero and his lady love singing during their picnic.
And why had I missed that point?
Because the tv channel had been changed by the barkeep at the now-defunct restaurant.
Some switch in Hai had been changed, too, causing him to dismiss our eight years of friendship.
Odd the things that get jumbled together by the mind!
Still, I'm so glad I could watch this again and know it for the sweet movie it truly is!
Thanks, Jim!
Then, there's this.
Titled "The Chase", the 1946 film noir concerned a war veteran plagued by nightmare thoughts that he couldn't distinguish from reality.
This scene, though, really broke the tension for me!
On the door is a warning: "Quarantine: Virus", yet both the veteran and his pursuer have opened the door anyway and entered.
Seriously, they did!
I couldn't help laughing out loud!
Thanks, Jim!

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