Thursday, August 20, 2020

breakfast with dinner at the stadium!

Hi, I'm Faustina, and I'm addicted to "Quantum Leap".
Even though I knew the game started at 6:30 tonight, I delayed leaving home until after 7.
Just because this episode was on, with Sam as "Black Magic", the dad who had to win at eight ball to save his daughter's blues club.
Plus, I really wanted to take this particular shot.
(Get the joke? I couldn't resist!)
Last night, another favorite episode made me delay another event: the latest episode of the svf-8 that was celebrating their resident composer.
(Shhhh, don't let them know that I over an hour late arriving!)
That's Melvin the mortician, the sole mourner in 1957 at the grave of an 18-year-old.
It may have been the Mark Twain he quoted that tugged at my heart.
I like the snow falling all around like crystallized tears.
Still, I was able to get to Grayson Stadium in plenty of time, corralling my 'gators over in the picnic area and treating myself to a hotdog and chips and soda while this poor Bacon was left stranded on third base.
Seven minutes, that's how long he waited, after hustling to steal two bases to get there.
Seven minutes, before the third out was called and he was free to leave it.
That was the closest Macon came to scoring tonight.
The Savannah team had much better luck that inning!
The home boys had already scored two runs early in the game.
This time at bat, they loaded the bases full of Bananas...
with each one successfully stealing home on wild pitches!
Boom, boom, boom -
three runs more!
And guess what?
The inning was still rocking on, even though my boys of summer only landed one more man on base.
Then came number 40, a guy named Clint - Clint Hardy, that is.
Name ring a bell?
Well, his bat sure did ring one, sending the ball over the left wall just as he'd done in 2016, and adding two more runs to the tally!
After that, I decided to change seats.
The strange guy and his posse of women and kids kept looking at me like he wanted to start trouble.
I got some more soda and free food and parked myself and my invisible congregation on the open-topped aluminum bleachers.
That something different turned out to be something very good!
I could call balls and strikes again - hallelujah for that!
The move also put me where I could feel more engaged in the action on the field, and where I could easily be acknowledged as a veteran during the "Troop Salute."
(I've missed that in the picnic area.)
Right after that inning break, it was Clint's turn at bat again.
Doesn't he cut a mighty fine figure there, standing in the batter's box like he owns it?
He hit a sweet line drive between second and third, assuring him plenty of time to tag up on first base and catch the lay of the land.
Doesn't he cut a mighty fine figure there, too, with that white uniform making him stand out in a sea of bacon burgundy?
I like that he was leading off just a little to let the pitcher know he was ready to run.
Run he certainly did, taking advantage of a wild pitch to grab second base!
Then, on a solid double from a Banana teammate, he sped around and raced across home plate!
That's him, between the umpire and the Bacon catcher, after scoring the last run of the evening, by the home team or the visitors.
Way to go, Clint!
I'm so glad I was there!
i thank You, God!


faustina said...

Why did I mention breakfast?
'Cause this was the inaugural 'Breakfast Bowl' game!
Poor Scott thought these last nine games counted toward stats.
Nope, they're just for fun!
As I explained to him in our texting back and forth, these between Bananas and Bacon are to give fans a chance to get in all the games they paid for in the various ticket packages.
Nobody wants to have to refund any funds... right?
So, we still get to see baseball...
but it's by Banana Rules...
because these games, with guest players from years past, are absolutely for the love of the game, by the players and by the fans.
Certainly works for me!

faustina said...

I just realized I never did post the score.
Sure, I mentioned that Macon never did score, but not the final tally.
That would be Bananas 10 to Bacon 0 in this first game of the Breakfast Bowl.
I had not thought CPL would track these post-season games, but they are, so here's the link.

According to them, there were 1311 fans in attendance.
I am SURE the Bananas will claim top fan attendance again for this year, even though many of the teams could not allow people in the stands for their home games.

faustina said...

The 2nd game of the Breakfast Bowl, on Friday, August 21, was on Macon turf.
Score: Bananas 10 to Macon 4

People in the stadium: just the players and staff.

The 3rd game, on Saturday, August 22, was in Savannah.
Score: Bananas 15 to Macon 5

People in attendance: a little over 1400