Tuesday, August 25, 2020

tina tuesday with real kevin and dinner!

No, no, this lad atop the rearing beast is not the real Kevin!
He's a Kevin, but not the bfrb.
Playing 11-year-old Billy Hastings is 15-year-old Kevin Zegers
(Four years earlier, he was in "The X-Files" as a character named Kevin Kryder - how cool is that!)
Plus, there's this lovely nugget: 'Nico' is really named Augusto.
So appropriate for my final Tina Tuesday in August, n'est-ce pas?
Oh, that brings up a cute story!
He contacted me the day after his birthday celebration, in delighted response to the photo I'd posted on his fb page, saying what a good time it was.
I texted back: "Most def. :-) We should try to do that more often, n'est-ce pas?"
He came right back with: "Did you just call me a horse thief?"
"Hahaha! No, it's my fav French phrase. It roughly means 'don't you agree?', but I like the way it feels in my mouth. Nay pa is about how to pronounce it. So, I guess if you'd heard it, you could have thought I was calling you a horse's father!"
Now that I think about all that, I have to wonder if he was having a laugh on me?
Otherwise, why would the subject of horses even been brought to bear...
by a running bear...
hahahaha! Hahaha!
And now, tonight, I had a movie with two horse breeds: ponies and unicorns!
That means I was exactly where I should be tonight!
Right place, right time!
Here are the basics of the movie.
Lonely boy meets the sad pony.
The poor animal has a concrete horn affixed and is part of a side show near the mall.
The boy has a lame leg due to the car wreck that killed his dad.
He and his mom have moved to Vermont for a change of scenery and the kids are school are being jerks...
well, all except Caroline.
She's pretty cool, for a girl.
She's especially cool a few days later, when she helps the boy.
The pony was pregnant, so now he has a baby unicorn, too!
here's the think, though: that type of baby matures very quickly - like, within a day it's the size of the mare!
That little bony knob is develops into quite a lovely horn, with a golden sheen, mesmerizing both children.
But what to name the little colt?
Well, when 'unicorn' is rearranged, 'Nico' is the result!
Then trouble starts.
A mountain lion kills the mare, the girl tells the other kids about Nico, those kids tell the newspaper man, Billy runs off to hide Nico in the mountains, his mom and the cops come after Billy, and the side-show owner hears tell of the beast and wants it.
And the race is on to see who gets Nico first!
The 1998 "Nico The Unicorn" was just perfect for me tonight!
i thank You, God!

Another meal with the bfrb, in one of our usual haunts, was perfect, too.
We each chose something different this time, him going for the fajita nachos, me choosing Combo Catorce (with the tamale in memory of my Daddy).
Just sharing company, over a meal, with a real person is something different these days - and, as Phil said in "Groundhog Day", "Anything different is good".
Amen to that!

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