Monday, August 10, 2020

breath of normalcy

"Instead of kisses,
we get kicks.
Instead of hugs,
we get hits,
it's a hard knock life!"
I just love this song from "Annie"!
It should be depressing,
but I find it to be uplifting!
That was "The Big Bang Theory" the universe graced me with last night before bedtime.
Then, this is the "Seinfeld" I selected this morning -
it's the bizarro world episode!
Elaine has a choice of hanging out with a trio of good guys (Kevin, Gene, Feldman) or continuing to pal around with Jerry, George, and Kramer.
In other words, she was able to choose between perspectives, just like Raj, Howard, and Stuart could.
It's good to have choices, isn't it?
We always do, even when they are not the options we prefer to have.
Who wants to scrub sticky floors and grubby counters?
Certainly not I!
But when I do, I choose to have music to sing along with.
That's definitely more positive!

Going to the Jepson Museum was more positive, too!
It's been open for about a month.
I had promised myself I'd go last Sunday, but reneged.
Not this time!
I have so missed visiting this beloved "Swarm" and allowing it to recreate my visage!
Today, I'm sporting a new seashell mask as well as my blue-ocean top from my second trip to Italy.
Then "I Saw Him Standing There" -
this Emily Earl photograph, not The Beatles' tune, silly rabbit!
Her #art912 exhibit was partly the draw to the museum.
I'll be 'attending' her talk about her Polaroids on Thursday, so I wanted to see them beforehand.
Know why she stopped taking photos after eight years?
She ran out of the discontinued film that her old camera uses!
True story!
"Fallen God-Runners" and "Fallen God-Dunks" are part of another new Jepson exhibit, Cut & Paste: Works Of Paper.
What I liked most were the shadows of the shoes on the wall!
That begged the question: did Matt Haffner intend those shadows to be part of that display, or were they an act of serendipity for my pleasure?
I do so like chiaroscuro!
Right place, right time!
Then I revisited an exhibit last seen in February, when I was there for the curator's talk and reception.
I had missed taking this photo of "The Savannah Art Club at Armstrong Farm in 1925",
enlarged as a wall mural for the original display.
Glad it was still in place!
I'm also so glad those kind folks so the need, a century ago, for fostering creativity in this seaport!
Right place, right time!
Next on my agenda: the Telfair!
I made it to the Academy just as the first rain drops began, too!
I had an ulterior motive for this visit.
I was not there just to visit "Belle of 1810", as I had missed doing for birthday62.
I was there because I had just seen her in the first installment of the Stay-At-Home Season VIII of the Savannah VOICE Festival and naught else would do but for me to go and to see her in person.
Here she is in the video, providing delightful background as Jessica Fishenfeld performed "Casta Diva" from the 1831 opera, "Norma".
Believe it or not, I once made a dress similar to the soprano's, for a military ball in the fall of my senior year of high school.
So many dances that academic year!
That was definitely one of the perks of meeting the three Benedictine Cadets I dated during the STERI science program.

Again, that's grist for another grind, maybe one day soon.
Back to my current story of "why I visited the museum today".
Belle's room was not the only featured place in that music video; the basement of the Telfair, with its lovely statuary, was also part of the scenes that were seen!
Specifically, this area, with the tortured Gaul, as well as the giant work with the man and his two sons.
See the songstress walking along in this same part of the display shared by the statue and windows?
That means the video must have been filmed some other time, during a sunshine-filled, blue-sky day.
The dark clouds this afternoon finally unleashed their summer thunderstorm, but I minded the weather outside not one whit.
I sat and enjoyed these art pieces for the next half-hour.
Then I bopped across the way to visit my cabana boy - ooh la la!
That Hermes is one mighty fine-looking young fellow, even though his chest is rather boy-like.
I prefer a man with hair on his chest - RAWR!!!
Yet another reason for my attraction to Scott Bakula in "Quantum Leap" and his shirtless interludes!
And no worries... I didn't actually lay my hand on this statue's buttock.
I didn't touch anything here.
After my delightful two-and-a-half hours sojourn at the two museums, with the air washed clean by the downpour, I drove past Ben & Jerry's on Broughton on my way home...
and, hallelujah, they were open!
Hallelujah, I found parking right around the corner!
And after getting my first ice cream of summer, I walked about in this empty parking lot to savor each and every little bit of it.
Right place, right time!
i thank You, God.


Ben & Jerry's Savannah said...

August 12, 2020

(response to my comment thanking them for being open and for continuing to have my favorite ice cream)

Thank you for taking the time to let us know.
So great to hear you made it!
We will share with our staff.
We appreciate your feedback and look forward to your next visit.

faustina said...

(this had been my feedback)

Your Feedback

Excellent: Wait Time, Quality, Environment, Customer Service

“Coconut Almond Fudge Chip!!! This was my first time being able to come and enjoy one this summer. So very good!”

You purchased 1 item on August 9 for $5.30.