Saturday, December 19, 2020

wishing i was shocked

Yesterday, the total number of Georgians who have been infected this year by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus surpassed half a million (500,265).

Yesterday, the total number of Californians who have newly contracted the coronavirus infectious disease (COVID) over the past week surpassed a quarter of a million (273,127).

Yesterday, the total number of new cases of people with COVID in the United States for the one day surpassed a third of a million and was headed for half a million (403,359).

Why am I not shocked?

I am a well-traveled person and an analytical chemist.

I am well acquainted with how spoiled American citizens are, with how many in this country regard their own desires as the most important, with the need for instant gratification being foremost over future happiness.

After all, I am an American, too, so I recognize those traits in myself.

And now the holidays are upon us.

People have already demonstrated that they did travel for Thanksgiving and they will be traveling for Christmas and Hanukkah and family celebrations.

Perhaps the news of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines has made folks giddy and lured them into a false sense of security.

That is a mistake, as inoculations have only begun and there are more than 328 million people, in this country alone, who need the vaccination.

Perhaps the churches that have re-opened their doors during this money-making season have instilled a false sense of protection via belief in God.

That is a mistake, as God gave us brains and a conscience so we could distinguish wrong from right courses of action.

Something has changed, for the worse, and we are certainly not taking care.

We need to remember that the virus is not yet done wreaking havoc.

If we are to have hope for a spring of promise and a summer of shared adventures, we need to continue following the simple steps to contain the virus.

First and foremost, wear a face covering in public spaces or in the company of those that do not share your dwelling.

Second, maintain you congregation of 'gators to keep strangers well away.

Third, wash, wash, wash those hands that touch, touch, touch surfaces.



faustina said...

Here's a quick comparison of the different vaccines.
Notice that all require a two-shot process.

Here's more information about the Moderna vaccine, which has undergone quite limited trials.

Here's more information about the Pfizer vaccine, which has undergone quite limited trials.

This is why we still have months to go before we are safe from THIS virus.

faustina said...

The VA has released its plan for distribution of the COVID vaccine from Pfizer.

My friend Barbara told me least night that she is in Group 1-B and will receive the vaccine sometime in January.
I sure hope it works as well as folks hope it will.
The rushed clinical trials, possibly a failed effort to save the incumbent for another term, give me pause.
Here's hoping for the best.

faustina said...

Here's a story about the healthcare workers in GA getting the first of the two-shot vaccination against COVID.

faustina said...

Here's a handy tool, just in time for those traveling for the holidays.
It allows you to look up the load of COVID patients on hospitals in the area you are going to visit.
You know, to let you know if you can act the fool or stay cool.
Just wear your mask and pack your alligators.

faustina said...

Just to update the semantics:
no wishes were used here.
The correct phrase should have been "surprising that i'm not shocked" or something of that nature.
I will certainly attempt to be more careful about usage of the word "wish" in the future.