Monday, December 14, 2020

look! an elf! but not on a shelf!

No sirreebob!
That elf is clearly sitting in a basket, though at first glance I thought it was in a planter.
That's probably because my mind linked the greenery above to the woven tub and proclaimed it as such.
As for the elf, it was accompanying Tiana Sorenson as she sang a wistful version of "Toyland".
Other toys had guest appearances, but only the elf retained the honor of remaining in place.
This was not probably not meant to be a toy, but it certainly tickled my fancy!
The elegantly ornamental pop-up tree was in a holiday card and was in the last of four such opened during the course of the 80-minute show.
The first card also held a tree, the second had a colorful train, and the third revealed a willow covered in snow.
Such dainty things they were, and so lovely!
All, and more, were part of "Home For The Holidays", a VOICE Holiday Special, aired twice last night and once today as a matinee.
Singing the title song whilst performing various seasonal activities are Emily Yocum Black in Kentucky (upper left), Carlton Moe in New York, Jessica Ann Best in New York (lower left), and Leo Radosavljevic in Illinois.
Oh, Tiana was performing from Chicago, too, by the way.
Emily may have had the most appearances in this holiday show, as she is in six segments and her voice is in a seventh!
For "Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion!" she was the only singer, but not the only musician.
I was quite impressed with the performance, but I was even more impressed with how good this concert was, not just in how it sounded but in the regard for the health of all involved.
The only other instrumentalists actually shown in any segments were partners of singers.
Liz Lang sang "Winter Wonderland" while Michael Ferrara accompanied on piano before rejoining her in the home.
Leo was joined by Angela De Venuto for "The Holly And The Ivy", with both singing and both playing the piano side-by-side.
For those two songs, the two performers lived together so no masks were needed.
I am single and live alone.
Perhaps that is why I preferred the piece done by Emily, the piece which showed friends getting together responsibly to do something they all loved: make music.
Yes, that was very nice!
Not that I didn't enjoy the absurdity of "Bidi Bom"!
After all, it had a trio of men making silly faces for a song that featured silly words!
That's Carlton on the left, Peter Lake on the right, and Jonathan Walker-VanKuren stuck in the middle between those brunettes!
(Hint: ya gotta sing that phrase to get my joke!)
And I very much enjoyed the sweetness of this one.
That's Jessica opening packages on the sofa, perhaps with her Grandmama assisting - oh, how very lovely!
But those scenes were interspersed with Jessica in a sparkly party dress as well as outdoor holiday vignettes as she sang about the joy of being "At The Christmas Ball" - whew!
So much energy flowing all around that flirty tune!
Speaking of flirtatious numbers, this bit from the opera "La Bohème" certainly was!
Emily played the wench Musetta to Mariano Gladić's Colline.
Meanwhile, Liz Lang's Mimi is with Peter Lake's Rudolfo and Chad Sonka's Marcello.
Plus, there was a larcenous waiter played cleverly by Fowler Black.
No, he isn't shown here and he didn't sing a word, but he was a lot of fun!
However, when it comes to fun, "The Twelve Days Of Christmas" was positively full of it!
The four corners were the first to be filled, with Peter, Daniel Cohen, Leo, and Mariano, going clockwise from upper left, singing of that partridge in a pear tree... repeatedly!
Emily was next up with her two turtledoves, then Jessica sang of those three French hens and Patrick Joel Martin chimed in about four calling birds in his home.
But it was Liz, getting more and more exasperated about those five golden rings that made everyone laugh!
Perhaps it was Carlton's six geese a-laying that she confused with the Giant's Golden Goose...
yes, that must have been why Liz was so overwhelmed!
She couldn't get those geese to stop laying golden rings!
Hahahahaha! Hahaha!
Was she aware of Jonathan's seven swans a-swimming?
How about the eight maids a-milking that JoAnna Pope received or the nine ladies dancing for Tiana?
Then there's the matter of the ten lords a-leaping around Chad and the eleven pipers piping for Angela and those twelve drummers drum-drum-drumming with Sherrill!
But, no, no, the maid in the middle had forty golden rings and not nearly enough fingers or toes to wear them!
Goodness, gracious, what's a girl to do???
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
And after all that commotion, it was truly quite nice to relax as Peter Lake crooned from his home in Santa Rosa Beach...
oh, yes, just the sound of the locale brings a smile and a relaxing breath.
Irving Berlin would have been so pleased with this rendition of "Count Your Blessings (Instead Of Sheep)", I am sure of it.
'Twas quite lovely, as was this program from Savannah VOICE.
My many thanks for this, as well as all of the free online shows shared with me - and the world - this year!

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