Thursday, December 17, 2020

something old, something new - farewell to both

I guess it was just a matter of time.
It's been quite a while since I broke something, so I am thankful for that, of course.
Of course!
But I had let the kitchen counter get overcrowded with dishes.
Four of the five 38-year-old Donburi bowls were on the corner and, somehow, while I was getting two of them to the sink, the other two escaped me but not gravity.
One of the two managed to fall into the top of the dishwasher and stayed.
The other bounced away and onto the floor, shattering rather cleanly into three large pieces.
This new coffee mug, which had been waiting to be put away into the cupboard, was also struck.
I hadn't noticed its damage until after I'd finished washing dishes... and found the two pieces of clear glass, not white porcelain.
C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?

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