Saturday, December 5, 2020

short and sweet!

Nothing like an impromptu visit with great-nieces to provide an entertaining interlude!
The two had been to church to receive gifts and visit with Santa, so their mom had dressed them up for the occasion - very nice!
Then she'd brought them over to my place so they could have some time out of the car - and visit with me - and play with the little flamingos in the front yards, running from the
magnolia to the pear tree and back - and visit with me - and bounce up and down my few porch steps to admire the flamingoes on the wreath - and visit with me!
How wonderful!
Then, of course, naught would do but for them to go inside and see what decorations I had out!
That was fortuitous, actually.
I'd been trying to clean on of the holiday unicorn plush toys that I'd had for - what, more than thirty years, right?
Littlest girl grabbed it up and proceeded to gallop - no, really! - around in the living room, neighing as she went!
Miss Chlo looked a little forlorn until I fetched forth the matching one and gave it to her.
Oh, yes, time to frolic as if on a spring meadow!

All too soon, I had to head out for a prearranged outing and they needed to go meet up with Daddy for dinner.
Time to get back into the car, but now the two girls would be accompanied by 'corns.
Not just any unicorns, either, but antique ones full of the spirit of the season, sporting festive holly wreaths around their necks!
How blessed I was to share that joy with them and my first niece!
i thank You, God!

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