Friday, September 25, 2020

starting a new week

"Pardon me, sunshine, but you seem to have lost track of what day it is."
 Oh, no, I am completely aware that today is a Friday.

"Well, to most folks, that's the end of a week, not the beginning."
 And you think I'm like most folks and am constrained by a calendar?

How silly of me.
Let me start this again.
Hey, you, what's shakin' for this new week?"
Oh, that's much better!
So, I haven't mentioned it here, but the pounds seem to have crept back onto me.
True, it isn't like I've been particularly watching what I eat.
Still, in the far corner of my brain, there was a tiny hope that the boxes of cereal I've been munching late at night, in addition to the repeated nibbling of piece after piece of dark chocolate, were offset by my occasional mowing of the grass.
I mean, 'Gee, I thought sure it worked that way in a pandemic!'."
Ha ha ha.

"Yeah, you started it.
This ain't your first rodeo, missy.
You know how food works - you even taught it."
Very true.
So, today begins a new chapter in my life, though the title could be one that's been used many times before.
"Losing pieces of me again" sounds apt, doesn't it?
At least I'm not losing my mind.
Well, not yet.
I've invested in a bathroom scale of my very own, for the first time in decades, if ever.

"I cannot recall ever having one before.
And most of the reason is that everyone I know who has one jumps on it at least once a day, like some weird magic eight-ball to tell them if they can eat or not."
I know, right?
That's why I can't remember every owning one.
It's not like there aren't other places that have them, of course.
Even the Publix grocery store has one where the shopping carts are.

"So, why the desire to own one now?"
Well, I refuse to go back to Weight Watchers and allow them to use my results for their research studies.
They've become far too sly, requiring folks to use their app to track food, exercise, mind set, weight....
and then having the gall to make folks pay to be part of their research study.
Yes, very sly.
I still have all of my materials from my last membership.
Thankfully, that was pre-smart-phone-app, so all was in print.
I'll just read back over the material to refresh my memory, then go from there.
I haven't decided if I'm going to track food or not, but I expect I will.
My primary goal is to stop gaining weight.
My secondary goal, once that has been accomplished, will be to lose this weight I have regained since my last meeting.
That was in March, by the way.
"When they closed the meeting places and went to virtual only?"
You got it.
The live meetings were the only thing keeping me from canceling.
As soon as they demanded that everyone go to virtual mode, I was out of there.
They kept trying to lure me back, but I refused.

"Good for you.
No, seriously.
I'm glad you still have the books on hand."
Oh, me, too.
At least I hadn't sold them, like I have in the past.
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
I've just taken my first weight and, wonder of wonders, have several entries to use in the last weigh-in book from before they went app-happy.
How fortunate for me!
"Indeed that is!
How wonderful how things work out, isn't it?"
I had wondered why I had stayed, but it was meant to be.
Right place, right time. 
Now i have all I need to succeed on my own.

What was the line from that Panda movie?
Oh, I remember:
there are no coincidences."

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