Sunday, September 27, 2020

3 with me 4 the 3rd

Here it is, only a Sunday, and I've already filled my A*List dance card.
Seriously, I'm just three days into my sixth week of the AMC cinemas being open again, and my three free ones are viewed and done.
Ah, but here's the thing: I watched "Unhinged" and "The Last Shift" by myself.
For the third one, though, I had three keeping me company!
That's Alyssa and Leila and Michael there with me at the Classic 11, waiting for "Madagascar" to begin!
Talk about coincidences, I had recently seen an educational program about islands - and this was the one highlighted!
That means I already knew that it truly does have a wide range of lemurs, and those critters are kin to apes, not squirrels.
Fun facts that I shared, of course!
Right place, right time!
And here is more proof of that: three pennies spotted in my path as I walked outside awaiting the arrival of my nephew and his girls.
Yep, that's right, three pennies that caught my eye on different passes of the same strip of sidewalk.
Right place, right time!
Plus, notice the guest pass.
We each received one due to projector snafus and our patience at the multiple delays.
Actually, I think the machine might have overheard Michael talking about the rise of the robots in the future and didn't want to miss out on all that fun.
That was during the first delay.
The manager got the machine started...
and all seemed to be going well...
until the sound went out!
One more reboot was all it took, but we were granted the passes as well as free noshes.
That was magnificent lagniappe!
I had simply wanted to spend more time with them and thought this movie was the perfect answer for a rainy afternoon.
This had been my treat...
and now it had been doubled so they could enjoy a second movie gratis, on the silver screen in a cinema!
And why had I wanted to share this movie?
Well, mostly because it was a kid movie and I wanted to spend more time with the kids.
They had dropped by yesterday afternoon to pick up some mail.
After a bit of visiting, I took them around back so the girls could each pick out three shells from the big jar of bounty I'd brought back from Panama back in 1980.
Alyssa picked three snail shells; Leila selected three shells that had nothing in common except country of origin.
I love that they are so independent in their minds!
Leila now has the raccoon mask and Alyssa has the panda mask from the five-pack that included the unicorn mask I wore today.
I just may have to buy another package of those!
What a wonderful, fabulous, rainy day!
i thank You, God!

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