Thursday, September 24, 2020

my sneakers go boom Boom BOOM

I so love this little movie!

And look: it even has baseball in it!!!

Sonic had just watched a youth group playing ball, so of course he had to have a go at it...

and then he REALLY had a go at it, literally burning up the bases, as well as his shoes, all while that cute song was playing!

Oh, yes, I do so love this little movie!

What a perfect way to wrap up Week 5 of A*List!

I had started with the second in the "Jumanji" series, then that more serious one with the bfrb.

This one today was just for the kid in me and I loved every minute of it!

And guess what?

Right place, right time!

How did the universe let me know?

With a scrambled straight odometer reading as I arrived, that's how!



I wonder what Jim Carrey would have quipped about that?

Hahahaha! Hahaha!

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