Sunday, September 6, 2020

new members... or ONLY members, that is the question

There were quite a few "firsts" at church this first Sunday of September.
This was the "first" sermon, online or anywhere, under its new name: Asbury Memorial Church.
I already about the dissolution request, as I was one of the members at the vote held here in Savannah in September 2019.
I already knew that the Georgia Council had granted the dissolution request and that the new name was already being used, even though it was not yet official.
I already knew this change had resulted in a headline story on Wednesday, as my ex had been sure to send the link to me.
I already knew that this story would cause some people to rescind their memberships, much like some had done following the UMC conference in February 2019. 
That conference, and its stand against inclusion of LGBTQ+  people, is what prompted this congregation to choose to make sure its rainbow had all colors present.
More changes to membership demographics are surely ahead as this year winds toward the Christmas holidays.
I'm hoping those changes will be more positive than negative.
Let's continue on with the "firsts" from today, shall we?
(My student's always loved when I said that.)
This was the "first" time new members have been announced.
That's right, the new church welcomed nine members this morning!
And that raised a question for me, as I was reading the welcome for these nine people:
are we to be counted as members of Asbury Memorial Church?
After all, the rest of us gathered at that online service had pledged our allegiance to a church which no longer exists.
Are we automatically grandfathered in as the standing congregation for this new entity or should we make a pledge of our presence and presents to the church as it now exists?
I know I would like such a special service, that I would participate.
Maybe that question will be answered sometime soon.
I'm hoping the answer will be provided by month's end.
That's because the new church had its "first" communion on this first Sunday of this month, so I'd want to truly believe I was a bona fide member by the time the first Sunday of October rolls around.
I might even mark the occasion with something more substantial than my last bite of cookie and last swallow of coffee.
Perhaps I'll send this to Reverend Billy.
If the question about membership validity is nagging me, chances are that others are concerned about it, too.
One last "first"- I attended my "first" post-service Virtual Coffee Hour!
I never did manage to get my camera working during the ZOOM time, but I had audio, coming and going, so I was able to talk, in real time, with some folks I haven't heard since...
well, since March.
And now that my camera works, 
I look forward to being seen at the Coffee Hour next Sunday.

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