Sunday, May 16, 2021

good times, good times: october 1997

 As I just posted on the book of face: 
"So... when the ex and I were talking about Ronnie last Sunday night, he brought up a Halloween party that the three of us went to. Good times! 
Tonight, I went in search of those photos... and found them! October 1997 was the time, Monica McDermott's A-frame was the location. Christopher Jean Soucy, Mark Rand, JinHi Soucy Rand, Sharon Frain Novinger, Susan Carlile, Doug Povie, Rob Norman, and a bunch of others. 
Ronnie had shaved off half his hair and half his mustache, and an eyebrow, and went as a Georgia Regional patient. Very funny!
Good times!
I've also added one from the 3rd day of my 40th birthday celebration, for Christina Smith and Mike Smith."

This is one of the party scenes, with Ronnie on the floor and no doubt regaling these two with a wild story or ribald joke!

And here's Ronnie with Doug Povie, both keeping lubricated with beverages of choice.

(Speaking of that, I hoisted a sweet tea in my brother's honor tonight. Not the first time I've done so in this past week.)

Jeff played DJ that night, as he did at all the A-frame parties.
He'd chosen one of the KISS clan for his make-up, as well as the memento concert shirt.
Me? I was a buck-toothed vampire!
(There were about 5 more photos in the fb post.)
This last one left on the web space was from my third day of my 40th birthday, the one with family coming to our house (not the current one) for grilled meats!
Ronnie was having a good time with Christina and Michael, for sure!
Good times, definitely good times.


sharon in nc said...

Sharon Frain Novinger

Loved those parties and all of the people!! So much fun and good memories are in each photo! I’d forgotten about the Y2K bug costume. Doug’s non-plussed expression was classic.

orwhi sue said...

Susan Carlile

I love this so much! Good times in Savannah! Nothing compares to these memories!!! Monica McDermott & Sharon Frain Novinger :A frame parties were the the BEST!!!
Thanks for sharing Faustina Smith (tina!)!

outlaw Dee said...

Dee Smith Phillips

Tina, this is such a great pic of Ronnie with his kids. What a 'gem'!

outlaw Dee said...

Dee Smith Phillips

This pic [of Ronnie and Doug] shows Ronnie and the Goofy side that the Smith boys sometimes reveal. Quite entertaining too. Great picture. Thanks for sharing these.