Sunday, May 30, 2021

gift of cookout and pool party in hinesville

Did I say something about a pool?
Here's the new one for this summer!
They were setting it up last Sunday afternoon, just as I was departing for home.
I'd already had two nights there in Liberty County and was ready to leave the teething toddler.
That would be Miss Chlo, of course.
Not that she was so bad, as she slept much of the time; it was only when she was awake that she whined, but that was fairly continuous.
So glad all my teeth are in!
Anywho, I was talking about this pool, which is all the kids were interested in!
They spent all this afternoon splashing about in it, except for the few minutes they were out to eat some lunch.
I hadn't even thought about bringing a swimsuit, so no pool time for me.
But the food... oh, my, hell to the yes!
Chris knows how much I like the grilled pork chops, so he whipped up a few of those.
Then he wrangled up some grilled shrimp that was an absolute killer: they tasted like steak!
He told me they had SPG on them - salt, pepper, garlic - as well as plenty of butter.
All I know is this: that first niece of mine had to fight me off to get a few to taste!
Then, I had to fight her off, both of us all the while telling everyone that the seafood "was just horrible" and that we were "saving them from it".
Hahahahaha! Hahaha!
Christina made broccoli salad and a pasta salad that I proclaimed "tastes just like Mama's did"!
That's because it was "Suddenly Salad"... 
just like Mama used to make!
Hahahahaha! Hahaha!
She and Michael got a big laugh out of that, too!
Then we grown-ups settled into the living room to chat and half-watch some extreme mountain sports show that I forget the name of.
Guess I really was only half-watching it!
Hahahahaha! Hahaha!
When I returned from getting more water, I couldn't resist capturing this scene.
There's Christina, sacked out on the couch, while Chris is fiddling around on his phone and CJ is captured by the mountain climbers.
And what is Michael doing?
Twirling the Chlo around!
Up into the air, down toward the floor, with her cackling and chortling the entire time!
I'm so glad he kept her entertained and happy!
She truly is not a water-lover, at least, she isn't yet, so while Miyah and Leila and Alyssa were having a blast in the pool, she was not down with that.
But she ate up the attention from Michael, and he had fun, too!
That made this a most successful Memorial Day Eve gathering!
Not a birthday party, but a family gathering - magnificent!
Many thanks, y'all!

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