Monday, May 10, 2021

diversion from kansas city

Many thanks to Katy and Ellen for the free Bingo, and their buoyant mirth, for this Monday night holiday from my life.

It has certainly been a trying time for me.

But, the night was a winner for one of their steady players, a sweet young man named James, who has been known to change shirts during the evening in hopes of changing his luck.

Tonight, he didn't need to take that step, at least.

He answered a trivia question correctly, and was the "correct caller" who did so, allowing him to choose a number to add to his fifth card, in hopes it might lead to an even bigger win.

Katy and Ellen and all of us celebrated with him!

Sadly, his fifth board didn't yield a "Bingo!", but neither did mine.

Sure, it was one of the two I had that even saw this much action.

Like, really... five numbers out of 15 called?

Yep, 'fraid so!

That's all to the good, though.

The point was to have fun, in the ZOOM company of others, and so I did.

My thanks to all... I needed this bit of my new "normalcy" right now.


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