Monday, May 10, 2021

gifts from my stepmom

She made these, by hand, just for me.
The package of love arrived on Friday, with all of these inside and a brief note about the yellow one with the green trim.
She wanted to make sure I knew that was a scrubbing sponge, made with a special yarn.
Very interesting!
I do believe the purple rainbow trivet is my favorite.
Sure, the one with more orange in it is more in tune with the Jasmine Thyme on the kitchen walls...
But that purple one is quite pretty!
And the white lacy coaster is pretty, too.
Just what prompted her to crochet all of these for me?
No, it wasn't for my birthday, as she really doesn't have a head for remembering dates.
She did this creative work during the dreary winter months in Alabama, after learning of the nasty burn I received from my oven.
She knew of the color scheme in my cooking space, so she found that lovely orange and crafted a nice, think mitt to keep my hand and lower arm safe in the future.
Very nice of her!
She and I had wonderful talk just a few minutes ago.
It didn't last long, as neither of us are much for extended phone calls...
but it did my heart good, and hers as well, to hear each other's voices.
I sure do miss lunch and movies with Bonnie.
I sure do miss hugs and talks with Bonnie.
I sure do miss Bonnie.
Many thanks for the hours spent thinking of me while your hands worked.
I'll be thinking of you every time I see these above my sink...
and every time I use them!

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