Tuesday, November 10, 2020

a look back at bananas

While looking through the filing cabinet on my desktop, I ran across this forecast of the upcoming baseball season.
My tickets for the 2020 five-game package had been selected by the bunch of Bananas and held the following games in store for me.
Friday, May 29
Saturday, June 20
Friday, July 3
Friday, July 17
Thursday, July 23
Yeah, that didn't happen.
Once the pandemic came ashore, all the plans flew out the window.
The staff had scrambled to fashion a new season out of the tattered rags.
Every fan (that still wanted to come to the stadium) was given new game dates in the quantity originally purchased...
but no trading tickets for other nights was allowed.
Sure, there was a fan site on fb where that could still be possible, but there would be none of that at the Bananas office.
The slope was already plenty slippery with the new safety regulations to follow.
When the dust cleared, I had no shared games with anyone I knew.
Not with Scott, or either of my brothers.
Not with Gene or Steve or Julie.
Certainly not with Mister Willie, not during a pandemic.
When the first game finally was played, Scott was there...
I was only there to scout it out from beyond the surrounding gates.
My first game to attend wasn't until July 13 - and the boys were so happy to see me that I was granted a rare grand slam - magnificent!
Six days later, on July 19, I had a nearly normal Sunday game, actually running into two friends that I didn't even know were in town.
My game three was on August 8, a Saturday, and although I had been concerned about an overflow crowd, I need not have been. 
The home team was following the rules, keeping the number of fans below 2000 -
in other words, less than half their normal capacity.
What a relief!
August 20th was the penultimate game for me, on a Thirsty Thursday, but almost everyone was behaving, so it was still quite enjoyable.
Perhaps it was because they didn't understand that the season had ended and these were extra games added simply to enhance the fan experience... that is, to make sure everyone got the number of games they'd paid for at the end of last year.
That game, as well as my last one on August 28, was part of the 'breakfast bowl' between the home guys and their nearest rivals in Macon.
Not that only the regular players were on each team - not hardly.
Most of those had returned to online classes at their universities.
However, that opened the door for players of the past to come back and visit.
How very nice to see those familiar faces!
That made for a more satisfying end to our shortened summer session.
So, what's the word, hummingbird?
The Savannah Bananas have just taken the second of three payments for the 2021 five-game package I'm purchasing.
I just wonder whether the pandemic will be under control by the opening pitch.
It certainly is not controlled right now, not here in the USA nor elsewhere.
I think China is the lead dog in this race.
Whoever is elected our next President - as it is now seven days since the election and all the votes have not yet been finalized - needs to work with their scientists.
The Chinese definitely know what they're doing.

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