Tuesday, November 17, 2020

tina tuesday with ... michael rooker!

Here he is, arriving with aplomb to save the day!
Someone had fallen into the pit of a sand gobbler and was moments away from being -
I don't know, stung to death? rendered limb from limb? swallowed whole? web wrapped? - 
killed in some fashion.
Then Clyde came to his aid, throwing down a rope and hauling his silly self up to safety.
And just how on Earth had that hapless person found himself in such dire distress?
Surely, in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with overgrown insects and toads he would know to watch his step, n'est-ce pas?
Well, he was busy writing in this book that Clyde is reading now.
Yes, I said writing in his journal... 
while walking on unfamiliar land...
he might as well have been texting on a cell phone on a busy street.
Clyde was pretty impressed with the cataloguing the 24-yo had done, granting him passage with them for several days and teaching him some life-saving tips along the way.
Then the boy-child had been cut loose to continue his quest for the one who had been his teen love.
Clyde and Minnow veered off for their goal, the mountains.
Boy pondered going with that duo, but decided to stay with the one who had his former owner's dress.
Good dog!
That saga of "Love And Monsters" was again at the Royal of Pooler, again on a Tina Tuesday, but the focus was on the man who portrayed Clyde.
Michael Rooker was 64 years old when this 2020-debut movie was made last year.
In many of films, he plays a bad guy, but not here.
Rough and tumble, sure, but with a good heart.
I first fell for that quality in him in 2014, in ""GOTG" - my second feature tonight. 
Yes, yes, I am well aware that this is my third viewing of "Guardians Of The Galaxy" in less than a week.
Yes, yes, I realize that there are other movies out there that I have not yet seen (and may not, as they are typical dreary fall releases looking for Oscar).
Yes, yes, I intend to see it again if it is carried over for Thanksgiving week.
However, tonight was all about one man.
Yes, yes, one man on the silver screen was at the focus of my attention!
Yondu Udontu was that one man -
the one Ravager with the crooked teeth and big grin on his expressive blue face -
the one scavenger in that universe who well knew his place there -
the one who could command the attention of all just by pulling aside one edge of his leather long-coat.
As Rocket would say...
ohhhh... yeahhhh.
That was certainly what I said when he appeared in that scene!
He was on Zandar, facing down a dirty dozen bad guys, and he pulled back both sides of his wild-west duster, puckered up, and released his flying quill of death to write the doom of his assailants.
In less time than it has taken to write these words, the faceless Necron were falling in a synchronized ballet to the ground, dead.
What a thing of beauty that was!
And what a delight that the man 
knows how to whistle!
That form of mouth music has been such a joyous part of my life since I learned how to do it from Daddy!
How very wonderful to have it highlighted in this favorite movie!
And how fabulous to know that this fierce man has a soft spot for tchotchkes, too -
like I do!
His look breakable whereas mine are rubber ducks, but all look whimsical for one young at heart!
My many thanks to the Royal Cinema for giving me a place to meet my man of the evening.
My many thanks for providing two screening rooms (and the distraction of "Freaky" for others).
My many thanks to the Universe for arranging these two movies to be available on this same evening that is special to me.
Right place, right time.
i thank You, God.

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