Wednesday, November 18, 2020

a plethora of romance!

i thank You, God.
I had not expected such a surfeit of my favorite things on this holiday venture at the Hampton.
Perhaps another person might have not appreciated Room 310 as I did.
Being a Navy veteran, having a bird's eye view of the American flag did my heart good.
Then there were these fabulously fun cups!
A sly reference to my "smiling" mustache masks?
Oh, yeah, I got the inside joke!!!
I feel guilty about taking them home with me...
but I did touch all of them...
and with the pandemic, that meant they were mine...
at least that's my story.
And what should be on the telly to occupy me until my date?
"50 First Dates", one of my absolute favorite romances!
Good timing, too - he had just given her the video and so the good stuff was just starting, like him singing his "forgetful Lucy" song on one of their 'first' dates.
I was blessed to be able to watch until the end, loving each minute of it, before bopping to the Royal.
The timing was perfect for my enjoyment of the sunset, too!
I had not expected to have that delight.
After all, it was just 5:30 PM...
but with the "fall back" of the clocks a couple of weeks ago, I was able to watch the sky darken as if I were at Grayson Stadium at a summer game.
Very lovely!
Then, when I returned from my date with Clyde and Yondu, this was the sight that greeted me...
the light had been left on, with the curtains swept back to allow the glow guide me!
How very welcoming!
It was especially nice to return to a warm room, as the night air had dipped deeply into the 50's.
This time, the television had "The Wolverine" just beginning...
perfect to assure sweet dreams!
I was able to enjoy him as if he were two different men -
one the rustic outdoor man, with his free-flowing tresses grown wild and his beard shaggy and untrimmed -
and then I had the delight of him spiffed up and buffed to a shine for his meeting with the old man.
The next morning, I was able to catch the tail end of the breakfast at the motel, and there was still plenty of fresh, hot food still!
Super crispy bacon, a southwestern egg-white fritatta, and a pre-sliced croissant to encompass all - wow!
I even had cinnamon bun-flavored waffles as dessert, with peanut butter, of course!
And what treat awaited me on tv?
"La La Land", at the very point where he is at a photo shoot for the band instead of at her play.
But he proved how much he loved her when he drove out to Boulder and tracked her down.
Then he fetched her back to LA for an audition, showing he still believed in her dream.
How very blessed I am to have been treated to this again!
Rather teary-eyed after that movie that I so love, I was in need of a bit of a perker-upper before departing this warm haven.
What better than a pajama party, "Grease" style, before the boys arrived from their car work and lured Rizzo away?
I appreciate the reminder, via these two movies, that the pandemic has brought good memories my way.
Right place, right time.

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