Sunday, November 29, 2020

late bloomer

I don't know if she was a late bloomer or not.
Perhaps I'll look around and see if there is a biography about her.
But here's what I do know: she did not act in films and on television programs until she was seventy-two years old.
No, that's not a misprint; that's why I spelled out the number.
And in that milieu she remained for twenty-eight years.
She was already 38 years old when she wed for the first, and only, time.
She and her husband were married 53 years (until his death).
They never had children, so she must have been a favorite aunt, and great-aunt, to her sibling's children.
I think of her being much like the aunt that is sung of with such love in "La La Land"; the aunt who had fallen into the Seine while dancing, when "the water was freezing / she spent the month sneezing / but said she would do it again".
After all, Ellen Albertini Dow grew up as a mime.
I have to believe she was quite entertaining for the children of all ages in her family.
Then she and her husband taught acting.
Surely they were active on the stage?
But that information is not listed on movie pages.
Yes, I do believe I would enjoy a biography about her, so I'll check the library.
This weekend, I've seen her in two movies and that is what has sparked this conversation about the woman.
Last night, wanting a bit more of Vince Vaughn than I had in "Freaky", I pulled up "Wedding Crashers", free on TBS On Demand.
(Admittedly, I also wanted to see Christopher Walken and Jane Seymour again, as I'd planned to attend "The War With Grandpa", but never left the house.)
So, there I was, hopping down that bunny trail, scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head...
wait, that's my nephew Damon's inside joke with Mama...
back on track here, please, thank you kindly.
So, there I was, enjoying the movie, when they get to the dining room scene with Grandma spouting whatever she wanted...
and I recognized her. 
I mean I truly did, as someone who I had seen in several places, including the "Dr. Ruth" episode of "Quantum Leap".
Ellen had been 92 years old for the 2005 movie.
Today, I'd intended to go see "The Blues Brothers" at the cinema, but I got the time wrong and missed it.
Instead, I watched a different musical, one from my youth: "The Wizard Of Oz".
Good choice, as I knew all the words, to the dialogue as well as the songs!
Later, the little old lady from the Vaughn movie popped into my mind.
Hadn't I seen "The Wedding Singer" listed On Demand?
Yes, I had!
So I pulled up that Drew Barrymore-Adam Sandler love story...
which was practically a modern musical, though with limited dancing...
and star-studded comedic cameos from Sandler's buddies: Steve Buscemi, Will Ferrell, and Jon Lovitz...
plus a double dosing of Billy Idol in a music video on tv and live on the plane to Las Vegas...
and there Ellen was as Rosie, a sweetiepie who was trading meatballs for singing lessons to surprise her husband on their golden anniversary.
That sounds like something the real person did for her hubby.
And how old was she in this 1998 comedy romance?
She was 85 years old and had already appeared in numerous television shows, including "The Golden Girls" repeatedly as their friend Lilian.
She was 101 when she died in 2015.
Yes, I think I'll check out the library when I go for my optician appointment this coming Wednesday.
Quite appropriate, eh?
To go seek a book to read after getting checked for new glasses?
Sure sounds like a right time, right place thing to me!

1 comment:

faustina said...

So far, I have not found a book about her, but she did make the New York Times with her death.

That's actually a very nice summation of the tv shows she was in.
"Star Trek: The Next Generation", in which she appeared in the "Sub Rosa" episode, even gave her a page on their website.

I still think I'd like to know more about her.
After all, she sounds like a busy, vibrant woman - like me.