Sunday, October 4, 2020

4 signs of fall in savannah, plus 1

Sign #1
No, I mean the church, not the cinema, though I was quite surprised that no one at the former knew the latter had been open for the past seven weeks.
In the tag, Opera Ghost auditioned for next week's "A Chorus Line", which won't be live; it'll be Memorex (i.e., youtube video).
Sign #2
The oven can be turned on!
That means I can bake again and so I have been, starting with this delight.
Not enough flour for the recipe?
Substitute half a box of coconut cake mix and no sugar is needed, either!
The resulting apple coconut cake is quite nice and I still have mix and fruit for another.
I'll be sharing two slices with Kevin on our Marvelous Monday.
(More on that later.)

Sign #3
Time for shrubbery trimming again!
It's cool enough outside for me to dress in the attire needed for this type of work: long pants, socks, long-sleeved shirt, gloves.
Lest one think I'm overdoing it, let's look back at the rashes, shall we?
My grounds have a surplus of poison ivy, blackberry brambles, and thorn vines, so covered flesh is a must!
A 'before' and 'after' photo session is also a must, if I am to feel any sense of accomplishment.
I had labored for more than an hour on the back corner by the house and around the bird bath.
Those tree limbs and dead lantana were the product of that.
Then I toiled almost two hours cutting stray oaks and wild cherry and hauling all to the curb.
For now, three piles await the truck next week.
I hope to add at least one bag of flesh-aggravating flora. 
Sign #4
The crockpot made dinner!
That's thanks to the palindrome leading to my unexpected shopping trip at Food Lion last night.
Kidney beans, pinto beans, red beans, a bag of onions - all found their way into my buggy.
How wonderful to come in from all that yardwork... and smell chili in the air, all done and waiting on me!
What a relief to not have to cook!
Sign #5
The comforter is on the bed!
I finally relented Friday, pulling it out of its bag in the closet.
That was the first night of restful sleep in days and I awakened refreshed and WARM Saturday morning!
My hands were nice and toasty, too, after a night in socks -
ah, bliss!
Little blessings are the best!
i thank You, God!

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