Tuesday, October 13, 2020

are those REAL?


Yes, the dish drainer does have real glasses and real plates and real forks.
I don't know that I'd go so far as to say the strike has ended...
but I would agree that a cease-fire has been called.
This is the second week of my usage of such, rather than the ersatz versions.
Has my stash of plasticware been depleted? 
Not hardly, although the disposable plates are almost all gone.
So, why the shift toward the real things?
Partly, I've stepped away from the plastic because I've needed a change.
Mostly, though, it was predicated by the arrival of an unexpected box.
I say 'unexpected', but it could well be that I simply forgot about the order.
The meals sent by Blue Apron are certainly ones that meet with my approval...
so, perhaps I did have them on 'impending' status and forgot.
That's certainly possible.
My drift factor has definitely increased this year.
They'd notified me on October 2 that I had a box on the way -
and it had arrived last week on Wednesday morning - 
so I had plenty of time to unpack it before my Royal adventure.
The menus certainly looked familiar.
So, I had started using real plates, thinking I would save the few remaining plastic ones for the meals I'd be making.
I've now cooked two of them and have not switched back to plastic.
Maybe I'll stay out of the china cupboard for this third meal...
maybe not.
As I said, my drift factor, due to my blonde roots, is pretty big now.
Okay, time for "Quantum Leap"!
For this Tina Tuesday, Sam is a bouncer with a bouncing baby girl, shades of "Raising Arizona", then he'll be shipboard trying to win back the hand of his lady love from a mobster.
That latter one is the one I'm looking forward to, as he'll be clad in swim trunks.
Oh, yeah...
that's what I like!
No dinner and movie?
Frayed knot tying that together.
It looks like Saturday may become the new day for that, as the AMC (the cineplex, not the church) has switched to Friday-Saturday-Sunday screenings only.
Maybe that change is partially responsible for my drift now.
Then again, October tends  to be hard on me, though not so much as April.
Reminders of deaths of family, both those born with and those chosen.
Thank God for these imaginary fictional characters on tv for distraction.

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