Tuesday, October 13, 2020

from swim trunks to a car commercial with ruck

No, silly, not me in swimwear.
That would be my fictional hairy-chested paramour, Samuel Beckett...
and his real-life counterpart, Scott Bakula, of course.
What a honey!
Comet tv certainly has done right by me, lending this man to my imagination and my evenings, for months now.
I think the "Quantum Leap" is on its fifth lap since it started brightening my nights.
My first niece is well aware of where I can be found between 6 PM and 8 PM on weeknights.
She also knows that even though this is Tina Tuesday, that my activities with regard to that have been curtailed by the cinemas change in screenings.
That meant I would be available on this Tuesday, yes?
 her: We are watching the weakest link on NBC wanna join us?

me: Yes, please.

her: :-)

me: I have not seen this in years! Nice to see Jane Lynch hosting it.

her: She so much better than old person.

me: Agreed! I love her as the shrink on Two And A Half Men.

her: Most men add inches.... lol

me: Yeah. I liked that too.

her: What is an Intuitive healing person?

me: Someone who tells you what you already know to do.

her: I don't think they should have sent home the smartest person yet. Christian disagrees. What's your opinion?

me: Yeah i -think- that was a bonehead move.

her: 'Could have Answered in the next episode' was hilarious!

me: Land is two years younger than me. I thought she was older. That surprises me.

her: Land? Did you mean Lynch?

me: Yes. I thought i typed J a n e but those keys also make l a n d.

her: Oh...

me: Bank bank.

her: That is what I just said...

me: Yeah, they are so fixated on answering that they are not watching the money.

her: That is the highest I have seen them get. Chris thinks I would be good on this. I know most of the answers but I think I would freeze with the cameras.

me: Yeah, i would need a hit of tequila to distract me.

her: Tony seems pissed.

me: I didn't get that vibe.

me: Oh, wow! Alan Ruck in that commercial with the car! Loved it!

her: That is my favorite commercial in a long while.

me: Most def. I love him, especially since he said my name was beautiful when i met him at DragonCon. :-)

her: Team Megan!

me: Lol! That was fun! Thanks for having me join you! Love you!

her: Love you too.
Thank you, my dearest Christina Ann, for including me.
I am so blessed to have you in my life!
i thank You, God!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Just for posterity, here's the commercial.
It wasn't actually a car ad... it was a security system ad.
So, I guess it wasn't that successful as an ad campaign...
but it sure is a beauty to watch!
Just for the record: Alan Ruck is two years older than I am.
That means he looked boyish enough AT 30 YEARS OLD to play a high school senior in the 1986 "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".
Really cool!
I think he looks so much better now.
Oh...yeah... bahm bahmp!

Here's the article with the details.

Here's another one.

And here's an article that says what the commercial didn't convey.

Here's that super-deluxe-cool video.

I expect I'll be hitting that last button a few times...
bahm bahmp!