Friday, October 9, 2020

there are no accidents III

 The Universe
9 October 2020
3:31 AM

There are no accidents, Faustina.

If it's appeared on your life’s radar, this is why: 
to teach you that dreams come true; 
to reveal that you have the power to fix what's broken and heal what hurts; 
to catapult you beyond seeing with just your physical senses; 
and to lift the veils that have kept you from seeing that you're already the person you dreamed you'd become.

And believe me, that was one heck of a dream.

  The Universe
There are no accidents, Faustina.

-----   *   -----   *   -----

Timing is everything.
Wednesday night, I found myself listening to "Untold Truths",
an album I'd pulled out of my car months ago but still had
not stashed in the CD rack.
Oddly, I didn't start with the first song, but with the second.
"Hey, man, what about you?"
And as I'm listening to the words, I notice a tear start falling off my left cheek.
Say what?
Then I am in full-tilt sobbing...
yes, sobbing...
and I don't know why...
but I think I need to wake up somewhere else.

Last night, I found myself sobbing again.
I was watching "Press Your Luck", back on tv live again so it's "new to me."
I found myself rooting for the elementary teacher...
and he won!
That was mostly because the other guy had an opportunity to force him to take a spin...
which would have resulted in a three-way tie if the teacher also got Whammy-ed...
as the hostess was sure to point out...
but the guy took the spin himself...
keeping his score at zero as he got yet another Whammy.
Hooray for the teacher catching a break!
So, the teacher is in the final rounds, and he's doing well!
Every time he calls out the prize he wants, he gets it!
It's like magic!
He even wins the 'school supplies' package they'd created 'just for him', as they do for these rounds...
a package worth almost $30,000...
and gets his total to $77,000 plus before the next round.
Should he go on?
Should he stop?
His wife and daughter tell him to do what he thinks best...
so he goes for one more round...
managing to get out of it Whammy-free with more than $145,000 in cash and prizes.
The hostess tries to tempt him to stay by showing the new prize to be added to the game board...
a car for his mom and a Mustang convertible for himself...
and he thanks her, graciously, but declines.
He is done.
He knows he has been blessed with that round just played and does not want to chance losing all he has gained for his students and his family.
And I just bawled.
The Universe had lent him very good fortune and he had not greedily sought more.
And his principal reason for being there had been to get money to support the education of his students.
I sat on the couch sobbing.
That's when I realized, once more...
I think I need to wake up somewhere else.

So, I went to Diamond Resorts and logged in for the first time in months.
Gadzooks, they've revamped the website and it is terrible.
Eventually, I figured it out, though.
I had hoped to find lodging in Hilton Head...
fairly close, plenty of places that would be 'new to me'...
but no such luck.
There was lodging available in Ormond Beach...
in mid-November...
but that was a bit farther than I wanted to go, both in distance and time.
Plus, there is a sense of urgency to my quest.
I think I need to wake up somewhere else...
and I need to do so sooner rather than later.
I had already looked at Darien and Jekyll Island, so my goal today is to set this trip in motion.
Those are far enough away to feel like a holiday,
far enough to allow me to sing along with all those "Untold Truths".
far enough to reset my mental compass.
"To my own self
I have tried to be true."
Hey, man, what about you?

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