Monday, October 26, 2020

ha ha! they made me laugh, they did!

This one, from a few days ago, had been posted on fb by my cousin's wife, Linsey.
What a very pleasant surprise to find this!
"How to drive your OCD family members crazy this year" -
yeah, really!
Cut the pumpkin pie like Jack Skellington would do, with a spiderweb design that made all the pieces different sizes!
Quite likely the doubling of viewings of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" last weekend enhanced my enjoyment of this meme!
I promptly shared it on my page before exiting the fb, making sure to mention my first niece by name - asymmetry drives her bonkers!
Speaking of Christina, she's the one that posted this one and sent me outta there laughing!
Featuring that debonair gent who shills for some liquor company, the caption reads as follows.
"I don't always jump out of bed like a ninja, but when I do it's because I have a leg cramp!"
Hey, I know from personal experience that those wake-up-screaming spasms are no laughing matter...
but, let's face it, this meme is!
A laughing matter, that is.
Especially as I know her man suffers from these, too, and keeps pickle juice popsicles to ease the pain quickly.
I just take of slug of brine from the pickle jar - seriously!
My niece Christy is to thank for this!
"Monsters don't like to eat ghosts because they taste like sheet."
Bwah haha hahaaa!
Maybe this one tickled me so since I had just seen "Monsters, Inc." this past weekend!
I do so love that sweet movie!!!
And I especially love that Sully and Mike discovered that more energy is created from children's laughter than from their screams -
excellent message, not just for a time of pandemic, but always.
But there is something especially endearing to me about this one that my Goth Girl, Morgan, put up.
Not just the message...
not just the image...
but all of it, entangled with my appreciation of him in movies of the past few years.
"Welcome to adulthood. You get made when they rearrange the grocery store now."
And there's Ryan Gosling, wearing a sour expression as he tromps down an aisle...
Ryan who will turn forty years old in less than three weeks.
Now, that's funny!
His birthday is just two days before my friend Paul's and ten days before the bfe's.
Very nice!
Thanks for the laughs, ladies!

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