Saturday, August 28, 2021

shades of baseball on my lawn

On Thursday, when I finally found myself cutting this side of the front yard, I wanted something... different.
Last time, I had left it as a big rectangle that mimicked the pattern of the afternoon shade.
Time for a change!
First, I mowed diagonal stripes that bisected the front portion of the rectangle, much as I'd done in the backyard a couple weeks ago.
But then what to do?
So, I had the mower hug the tree base for a circular swing... then made it into a spiral... and here's the result!
I rather like it.
So did a little girl walking her dog with her mom.
She approved of the scattered flamingoes, too.

I hadn't picked up on the similarity to the green areas of a baseball diamond until today.
The Hank Aaron Championship game of the Little League World Series happened to be on tv, so I stayed to watch. 
Partly was because I'd seen Kyle Petty's show with the Georgia baseball legend; partly was because I'd heard Willie talk about it, and it was lunch time for me.
As he'd said, it really was good baseball.
I had tried to call him, to see if he was tuned in for the 3 PM game, but didn't get him.
For this game, Michigan was pitted against Hawaii, playing in Pennsylvania.
In that first inning, a Michigan lad knocked a home run with a man on - how exciting!
Those were the only runs they made.
Hawaii didn't score until the third inning, and that one run was all they got.
But what great pitching and fielding on both sides!
So, Michigan won, and they'll play against Ohio tomorrow.
Jeffrey versus Jeffery... lol!
That just came to mind as the bfe was asking questions about the ex at our dinner.
Isn't life funny with its wacky coincidences?


faustina said...

Ohio got within reach of a GRAND SLAM in three innings - THREE innings! - but never was able to capitalize on that position.
In fact, they only managed to eke one run out of those opportunities, and that was only because the Michigan pitcher walked in a run, to get to a weaker player in their batting order.
That gambit worked well for Michigan.
They emerged victorious!
They are the Little League World Series Champions!
And, if I heard the announcer correctly, this is their first time gaining that title since the 1950's.
What a wonderful game!
I managed to get hold of Mister Willie, too, so he was watching at his house as I watched from mine.

faustina said...

Hey hey!
This time around, Hawaii took the penultimate game in the 2022 World Series!
They were pitted against Tennessee.
Good for Hawai'i!!!
Tomorrow, they'll play the very last game.
Hope I remember to watch!