Tuesday, August 10, 2021

live VOICEs at the telfair!

I'm sure I was not the only one wondering if the event was real or a dream.
Was the Savannah VOICE Festival truly live and in-person, or was this some memory from 2013, at the first performance in this same location?
For me, I knew it must be real, it had to be real.
I had not been at the Telfair Museum for that introductory festival.
Savannah VOICE was not yet on my radar until March of 2015, when I had the sheer delight to usher at the Lucas for two Puccini operas, twice, for the Savannah Music Festival!
I've been hooked ever since, making sure to check frequently on VOICE for upcoming events.
Last year, everything for svf-8 had been online - which had allowed me to view each event several times - and were all free, which was certainly beneficial for retired me.
In previous years, I'd been able to obtain a rush ticket (for only $10) as a veteran, as well as usher for a few shows.
This year, my intention is to attend as many of the 18 events of the 2021 Savannah VOICE Festival (SVF-9) as possible.
This was my first event, their third.
Why was I not at those?
They were sold out.
I had high hopes to gain entry this time... and I did!
I was seated in F-16, which was right near Belle - wonderful!
And of the nine artists singing their best for us, I knew four of them from last year - yeah!
Melanie Spector was first up and I was thrilled to hear her again!
Sure, in my mind she will forever be "Climbing Over Rocky Mountains", but that is most def a good thing!
She was followed by Heather Jones, Benjamin Sokol, and Courtney Elvira, none of who I knew; that said, I very much enjoyed the young man's comedic take on "Se voul ballare", as did the gentleman sitting off to my right.
Then came Mariano (Marijan) Gladić, a baritone who I can still picture leaping about his room as a manic Don Giovanni!
Tonight's piece, a somber lovelorn tune, was done quite touchingly.
Next was Eric Sebek, with the same last name as the young man who did such a wistful "Lonely House" in last year's "Death, By Aria". 
Brothers, perhaps, or cousins?
Cloe SanAntonio was another I knew, as a beleaguered Cinderella henpecked by her two stepsisters; I expect she'll be in "A Royal Feast" next week!
The last of those I knew, Leo Radosavljevic, had been in svf-8's grand finale in a memorable, and extended, garden scene from "Don Pasquale" last year, and had been quite funny!
Tonight, he was also grand, and quite welcoming!
(A little joke, based on the song... LOL!)
Olivia Prendergast finished up the nine selections for "Aria", the title of this program.
All was so delightful!
And, after, the woman sitting behind me, a widow from Alma named Carol, had complimented me on my enthusiasm for each number!
She said that had rubbed off on her and helped her truly enjoy the works - how nice of her to let me know!
Right place, right time!
I very nearly stayed for the repeat performance at 8 PM, but, as I had not had lunch, I opted to treat myself to dinner on Broughton Street.
A couple of blocks were under repair, but Ruan Thai Cuisine was open - perfect!
As this had been a very different evening-in-pandemic, I decided not to have my usual Nam Sod.
Nope, not this time!
The Combination Platter, with two by two by two of various appetizers was more to my liking... and it was, too!
Satay, spring rolls, wontons, tempura shrimp, gyoza!
I even had dessert -
Yep, the Peace Guy certainly knows that I'm a "dessert first" gal!
No photo of the plateful, but this is the last bite of the Mango with Sticky Rice, which was absolutely delicious!!!
As I found out later, it also had a calorie count that nearly doubled the total for the entire dinner!
Guess I'll have to be aware of that next time.
I hadn't known the rice was sticky because it was cooked in coconut milk (high fat), with sugar.
Still, it sure was a wonderful way to end my outing!
Yes, definitely.
i thank You, God!

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