Saturday, August 7, 2021

sure gonna miss this boy of summer

This is him, right here.

I'm talking yet again about Bill LeRoy, naturally.

He's my absolute, all-time, favorite of the Savannah Bananas.

Sure, I tend to be partial to catchers, I do.

I like for a man to have a good tush, right?

When I first started coming out to Grayson Stadium with Reggie and Sam, with Jeff up in the booth, it was partly for the rear view.

(Get my pun? Such a sweet little joke!)

Even before I met him, up close and in person, he was Number 1 with me.

(Hey, that's a little joke, too, as that is the number on his jersey.)

I like that he's from Georgia, too, like me.

I like that he has a great sense of humor.

And I love that he is such a team player!

I know this was his last season with the Bananas.

He's been part of the team for four years.

As a college boy of summer, that means he graduated this year and won't be eligible for CPL play in 2022.

That'll certainly be a shame!

At least he'll be able to play in the off-season Breakfast Bowl, like some of the other Bananas that are now playing for the Big Show.

I'll have to be sure to come for those games!

I hope he'll still be wearing this same uniform.

There's a big smiley face on his butt!!!

For all I know, it's been there all along and just haven't been in the right seat to enjoy it... but I doubt it.

For all I know, he may not even be aware it's there, but I'm guessing he does!

I only saw it because Scott got us good seats -

and lefty Hunter Shepherd made the umpire shift over, so full view was granted of Bill's backside -

and I could swear that smiley face was real!

Right here, it even has a huge, open-mouth, grin!

Then again, maybe it's just an illusion from my perspective in the grandstand, and my penchant for firm tushes...

but I say that smile is right there!

As for me, right place, right time!

i thank You, God!

Now, back my attention goes to the game...

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