Saturday, August 7, 2021

bananas win the cup! bananas win the cup!

Yes, they did, just as they had in 2016, their very first year in Savannah!

The Coastal Plains League Petit Cup will reside here, on the Savannah Bananas' turf, until the Championship games next year.

I hope I get a chance to see it again!

The team had a December gathering after that first time, so fans could bask in its glow... much like we basked in the glow of these fireworks tonight!

Rather looks like an ice cream cone, doesn't it?

How appropriate for summer!

I'm so thrilled to have shared this last official game of summer with my dear Eagle Scout!

Yes, Scott is great fun, as he loves baseball even more than I do, and knows more about it, too!

He had a bag of good-luck, game-winning, pistachios for me, as he did for others around us.

Maybe that made a difference tonight.

Maybe not.

He was at last night's second game of the CPL championships, and the Bananas lost to the Morehead City Marlins at that one.

This game was definitely different than that one.

Sure, the same two teams were on the field - the home team sporting classic yellow pants with white tops, the North Carolina team in blue tops that matched the wrapper on Nabisco Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Sure, most of the same players were on the field as had been for that game, with the exception of the pitchers.

And that last thing is a deciding factor, as it almost always is.

I forget how many pitchers were on the mound tonight, but it had to be some kind of record for the year!

Over and over, the visitors changed ball slingers to try to keep the Bananas at bay.

As this series will attest, their efforts were for naught.

Over and over, as time progressed and the sky shifted its color palette from day tones to night hues, the bases filled with Bananas!

Over and over, the Bananas brought men across home plate, triumphantly cranking that diamond wheel around to victory!

As for the Marlins, they managed to load up the bases, too, threatening a grand slam just as the home team had.

No grand slams for either team tonight, but such a lot of runs were scored!

Sixteen pairs of feet successfully came across the plate over the three hours-plus of playing time.

Yes, sixteen runs, with three for the Marlins, and a whopping thirteen for my boys of summer.

I am so happy for them!

I am especially happy that several of our multiple-year Bananas are going out as champions in this, their final year of play.

Coach Gillum even awarded them Championship Belts!

Rings are such an MLB thing, but great, massive belts, like in wrestling, well, that is just perfect for these collegians!

Thanks, Scott, for being there to not only save me a seat, but to give me good company!

Thanks, my boys of summer, for giving me baseball along with the circus!

i thank You, God, for the gift of all, including perfect weather!

How very blessed to have this during a pandemic year!

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