Tuesday, August 24, 2021

36 or 135 or 500 or 184

I'm not sure how fb deemed this worthy of my eyes, but I am glad I saw it.
I knew something was up with my American Legion Post, as the check for my dues still has not been cashed... but I had not received any official word that my membership had been changed.
What was up with that?
Yet another merger?
So, I had gone to the regular meeting for Post 135, down on Bull Street, to find out.
No, Sam Curry told me, my membership had not been switched, as I will always get to choose which lodge I want to attend.
Post 36 would have a meeting at the 135 lodge in September, to decide what was to happen.
Then I received a letter from Casey Nash of the 1st District of Georgia.
She was requesting that Post 36 members convene at the Post 184 lodge for a special meeting, to determine whether we wanted 36 to continue to exist.
Founded in 1919, it was 100 years old two years ago... but there was no celebration.
The building had been sold and we had to move out.
Supposedly, those in charge were searching out new digs, but nothing became of that.
That's too bad.
I had some good times in that building.
One of the best was our last party there, back in Christmas of 2018.
Before that, there had been karaoke, hosted by Bryan, who called me his "Rock Star"!
That's because most folks that sang preferred country songs, but my repertoire was much more extensive!
I even had mi amigas join me several times, as well as the barefoot hobo -
but the incessant smoking drove them, and me, away.
Back when I first joined, the smoke was a major deterrent then, too, but as long as Ray was donning his Elvis suit, I didn't care what else was going on!
In fact, Ray is the reason I even knew about the first Georgia Elvis Festival, back in 2013!
Then life changed for him and he became a grandpa...
Bryan and his wife took over a B&B downtown and karaoke fizzled out...
and the building that was headquarters for barbeque and steak dinners was sold.
(sound of hands brushing themselves off)
The monthly meetings fizzled out, too, after the loss of the building.
Sure, there were a few poorly attended ones at the Bull Street lodge, but those were rather sad affairs, so I went to a couple of them and waited for news of a new building.
Then came the pandemic... and Post 36 went into mothballs.
At least, that's how it seemed.
I kept up with the Post commander, Michelle, on fb, but that was it.
I kept hoping we would make another effort at holding meetings this year, especially after so many had their vaccinations.
Nope, didn't happen.
Quite a few have now died, plus others transferred to more active Posts, so the membership has dwindled to less than 50.
Hence, the reason for this meeting tonight.
Did we want to stay as Post 36?
Well, we had a quorum of 9 members present to vote on that.
Did we want to merge with Post 135?
Yeah, I'm over all the "merge" stuff, first with the loss of Armstrong State University, then with Asbury Memorial Church taking on the expenses of the tiny Thunderbolt place.
Did we want to share building costs with Post 500, but remain a separate entity?
Wait a minute... 
no one had mentioned this as an option before...
that could benefit both buildingless posts!
Well, sure, that sounds like a good one!
Meanwhile, our Post needs to elect the four needed officers to get us off the "suspended" list for the district and department.
Dean Anderson - possible a lawyer, in tight with Jimmy Ray, former Post Commander back when I first joined - says he can accomplish that feat.
I'm assuming someone will be in contact with me to let me know when next we are to meet to actually vote on those candidates and elect them.
At least I'm glad to feel part of the solution and part of Post 36 again.
It's been a long time.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Reminded me of a song from Chicago: " 25 or 6 to 4" - funny!