Friday, November 26, 2021

almost like summer again!

No, dearie, I'm not referring to the weather, though it has been a bit warmer.

I speak, instead, of the frequency with which I have had the pleasure of the company of my first niece and her girls.

Four times we have met and dined together, in just barely more than two weeks.

Indeed, that may well be more often than during this past summer, her first summer off as a teacher for the state of Georgia.

Hard to believe we've been able to see so much of each other!

Plus, I've been able to travel a bit, which is very nice, too.

Let me count the ways and places, shall I?

For Veterans Day, we basked in the sun at Jalapenos in Richmond Hill.

Two days later, we were together again at Chelsea's wedding in the countryside, at Meldrim Woods Plantation on a spectacular day.

On the second Sunday after that, Olive Garden in Savannah gave us more than three hours of dining and visitation, again in sunshine.

And now, on this second day of Thanksgiving dining for me, I am in Hinesville for the feast she has prepared!

Not that I came empty-handed... oh, no!

Is this a rocket ship?

Is it a potbellied submarine?

Is it a wind-up bath toy?

Nope, not hardly, and not even close!

This is one of the smoked quail from Smitty's feast yesterday!

I had guessed that Chris had perhaps never had that type of bird... and I was correct!

What a nice surprise for him... and it's so pretty, too!


What a beautiful day!

How does that saying go?

Oh, yes...

Good company, good meat, good golly, let's eat!

21 1/2 pounds of turkey, Mama's squash casserole, macaroni 'n' cheese, green bean casserole, sweet potato souffle, dressing with gravy, cranberry sauce... no need for the rolls or mashed 'taters, I had plenty! Plus dessert!

So glad I have seconds, and probably thirds, that came home with me!

Yes, I can most def get spoiled by this.

i thank You, God.

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