Saturday, December 18, 2021

you down wit' O.P.P?

Yeah, I'm quite sure I've marked myself as 'old' with that reference!
Naughty By Nature put out that tune about other people's property back in 1991.
That makes the song - and those singers, as well as myself - three decades older now.
Three... decades.... older.
That means they're probably grandparents at this point in time.
That's a pretty sobering thought!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
But none of that is my twist on the title.
No, I refer instead to Other People's Pleas.
In the last two weeks, I've had no less than fifteen - fifteen! - organizations submit requests for money they think is in my pockets.
Fortunately, I have a good comeback to write on those forms.
I've actually been writing that on the slips from charities for the past three months (when the latest onslaught of hands scrabbling toward my pockets began).
Wait, let me amend that statement.
They only receive that practiced message if they have sent along a stamped envelope; otherwise, they get naught back from me. 
This time around, four of them included those postage-paid envelopes.
That means Special Olympics Georgia, National Parks Conservation Association, Shriners Hospitals, and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center will at least receive a reason for my lack of enclosed funds.
The other eleven groups will not.
Those with no response forthcoming are: America's Second Harvest Of Georgia (I drop off non-perishables locally); The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society; Make-A-Wish; AARP Foundation; Wounded Warrior Project; The Salvation Army (I drop off toys locally); Marine Toys For Tots Foundation (I drop off toys locally); GPB; World Vision; Walters State Community College (who don't understand that was a one-time gift to that scholarship); and Asbury Memorial Church (to which I already pledge).
At least I seem to have ended those addressed to "Fantasia".
Now, I'm going to take advantage of these warm temperatures - almost 80 F!!! - to open up the house and do a bit of housekeeping.
Sandy and I have something in common: we both have a rat in the house.
Hopefully I can clear out the pantry enough to convince it to go elsewhere.
Wish me luck!

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