Friday, December 10, 2021

finding a bit of peace with Mama

i thank You, God, for ghosts.
Let me rephrase that.
Rather, allow me to add a bit of punctuation to make my point.
"Ghosts" is a new situation comedy on one of the regular networks, a show that brings me laughter and ease and distraction.
How did I even get started with it?
"Free Guy".
Yes, I credit the movie I saw 9 times with my attraction to this show.
How so?
That was my introduction to Utkarsh Ambudkar, aka 'Mouser' in the movie I so love, aka 'Jay the chef' in this new favorite show.
I loved his computer-nerd character in the movie, but I even more love his straight-man character in "Ghosts".
Here's the setup: his wife is able to see, and communicate with, the spirits inhabiting this old mansion bequeathed to her, but he cannot... until this time around.
In this week's episode, Jay gets mildly electrocuted in the presence of Heddy, a prim and proper matron who's been dead since the 1890's, and that enables her to 'share' his body.
Add in that Enrico Colantoni (the photographer in "Just Shoot Me") is there as a wedding planner, checking out the mansion before approving it as a wedding destination, and that includes sampling the planned menu that Jay will present to at the reception.
Heddy goes full-tilt boogie crazy from the aromas and starts sampling every food in the house! That's because, as a ghost, she hasn't been able to taste food for more than 130 years... and she takes full advantage of his taste buds!
It was hilarious!
Her new favorite food?
Cheetos, aka "liquid sunshine", which just so happened to be the favorite food of the killer in the episode of "Psych" I watched on Tuesday!
Right place, right time, twice!
I enjoyed this episode so much, I watched it twice, back to back.
And just which episode was it?
The 10th one, of this first season.
The 10th.
Most def right time, right place.
Then I gathered up birthday gifts and went to Greenwich to visit Mama.
She would have been 84 years old today.
Instead, she is permanently 63, the age acquired at her last birthday, the age I now am.
I had looked forward to singing The Beatles' song with her, the one about "When I'm 64", but that time didn't come quickly enough.
Today, I brought her the purple-striped pinwheel, to allow her to communicate - talking, laughing, singing! - through use of the air.
The 'permanent' metal flower, with the red core petals surrounded by an outer ring of orange petals, was also a gift to her.
Someone else had brought the Christmas decor, as well as moved the seashells over to the left side of her marker.
I very much like it.
I'll have to remember to bring a plastic bag with me the next time, to gather up the bits and pieces of neighboring flower displays.
Nice and tidy is how she always liked things.

After the cemetery closed, I made my way southside at a leisurely pace.
She and I had a movie date.
Today was the opening of the remake of one of her favorite musicals!
Right place, right time, again.
Get this: Rita Moreno had a featured role in this new one, too, as well as a song she performed solo!
My thanks to Steven Spielberg.
He had stayed true to the feel of the 1961 "West Side Story", making it quite a bit grittier this time around, as well as rearranging the song order... and I liked it.
Two of the songs in particular - "Cool" and "Gee, Officer Krupke" - I thought worked even better in their new placement later in the movie, as well as the new settings for the tunes.
I'll be seeing this one again, I know.
And just what is that wrapped around my shoulders?
It's my shawl from Panama, purchased more than forty years ago.
Somehow, it felt like the right one today, even though I haven't worn it in many years.
I tended to save it for special occasions... and today was certainly one of those.
I love you, Mama...

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