Thursday, November 12, 2020

the only choice he has

The media seems to be making a big deal about the post-election actions of the Republican candidate.
It's as if the press, the telecasters, and the radio news folk have not paid one whit of attention to the incumbent President's modus operandi for these four years.
He always makes the worst possible choice and he is always very loud about it.
The man knows on which side his bread is buttered and he aims to keep it that way.
Playing second fiddle is not something he does.
To graciously accept the election results is unacceptable.
If he were to do so, his legion of fans would riot in the streets, refusing to believe that he had lost, causing rifts in families and coworkers.
No, his only recourse was the one he took: to rush to claim fraud and bring forth lawsuits against several states.
That action limited any vitriol to that of the people in those limited areas.
Which states?
Well, Pennsylvania, for one.
The margin for the Democrat's win was rather small (49.8% to his 49.0%), representing just over 54,000 voters choosing blue rather than red.
So, what is the incumbent doing?
He's filing suit because three thousand  voters may not have verified their identity before election day.
It's as if the math doesn't matter.
Even if all 3000 were to be subtracted from the tally for the Democrat, the incumbent Republican would still lose by 51,000 votes.
The incumbent also has an issue with about 10,000 absentee ballots which he says shouldn't count (for either party, apparently) because they arrived after election day, though still within the deadline issued by the Pennsylvania voting officials (who have graciously set aside those votes until the feathers stop flying).
Again, it's as if the math doesn't matter.
The lawsuit also alleges lack of access for the poll watchers.
Not that Pennsylvania is the only state fielding that bit of frivolity, as the same charge was leveled at Michigan.
(Get that joke? I bet Ted Nugent would!)
The suit doesn't question the numbers (50.5% pro-Democrat, 47.9% Republican) which are quite clear that more than 148,000 voters chose "the other old white male" on their ballots.
So, the one lone bullet in that lawsuit is a dud.
(Still didn't get the joke? Maybe phone a friend?)
(Yes, I have to joke to keep from losing my mind about politics in general and this election in particular.)
Due to the scatter shot, even Georgia has been hit with a lawsuit over the proceedings of November 3.
Allegedly, someone thought they might have seen fifty ballots stuffed into a questionable pile.
As the incumbent lost by more than 14,000 votes (49.5% Democrat to 49.2% Republican), surely those fifty would make all the difference...
if the math didn't matter.
Regardless of the pending lawsuit from the incumbent, the closeness of the race has warranted a manual recount by Georgia's voting officials. Results are not due to be released until November 20 (more than a week away).
Not that these three states were the only ones sued by the current President.
Oh, no.
Arizona is a thorn in his side, too, as is Nevada.
The election result percentages for the former are very similar to those of Georgia, with a slightly smaller margin (just over 11,000 votes).
The latter's election result percentages are very much like those of Michigan, but with a much smaller margin of votes choosing the victor (not quite 37,000 more pro-Democrat than pro-incumbent).
How will these lawsuits play out?
It doesn't matter.
It is a last gesture on the part of the incumbent, one meant to reassure his peeps that he did all he could.
After all, if he loses his credibility with them, he's going to have a lot of idle time on his hands after he departs the White House.
No lecture circuits, no graduation speeches to give, no biographies wanted.
Good thing he has his own golf grounds to keep him busy.
So, why have I not uttered his name during this post?
Everyone already knows who the man is.
If I were to say a name, I'd rather say "Beetlejuice" ....
and say it three times, thanks.
Now, to wait until November 20 for Georgia's final results.
Maybe I'll watch "Battle In Seattle" to distract myself from this current morass.
At least it has Charlize Theron in it - she's definitely a more likable blonde.


faustina said...

So, just what attracted my attention to this topic?
The Mayor of Savannah saw fit to bring it up.
No, not the Presidential part... oh, no.
He made sure not to step into that snake pit...
but he just HAD TO give congratulations to the Vice Presidential candidate on the Democrat ticket.
So, since he did that, I assumed it was safe to dig out and see the news of the world...
only that news still has a week to become official.
I guess if the bear wants to talk about it tomorrow, I'll have to listen...
and he'll have to listen to me, too.

faustina said...

So, the folks in charge of running the election - former Homeland Security people, among others - have justifiably taken umbrage at the accusations of fraud by the incumbent.
Here is their reply.

Good for them for not being bullied -
and for refusing to allow the US populace to be bullied.

Currently, the Democratic candidate has 306 electoral votes, including those of the contested states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and... Georgia.

306 electoral votes...
That's the landslide the incumbent had four years ago.
I choose to believe that is no coincidence.

faustina said...

Looking back in my phone, I found this saved text sent from me to the psychologist.

"Well, he IS part of the problem, but that is his modus operandi.
Make the worst possible move and be loud about it."

That was dated March 12, 2020, at 7:03 PM.
Good to know the incumbent has been consistent about something.

faustina said...

Incredible... the incumbent has acknowledged that the Democrat candidate has won.
Well, sort of.

Perhaps he felt that was needed, as his followers are continuing to endanger their lives, and those of others, by rallies with no social distancing protocols followed.
Whatever the reason for his latest Tweet - the man seems to only speak in birdsong anymore - I do hope this election can be put to rest and the nation - and world - can focus on something more positive.
Like the possibility of a return to life as we knew it.

That would be grand.

faustina said...

Most excellent news!
Georgia's election results were certified on Friday, November 20, 2020, as I had told the psychologist they would be.

In the final manual recount of all valid votes, including the absentee ballots, the winner is the Democratic candidate.

Democratic candidate
2,474,507 votes

Republican incumbent

The margin may be small, but a win is a win, just as it is in sports.

faustina said...

More updates on the lawsuits filed with Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania by the incumbent.

"[The incumbent] has had a fresh setback in his bid to overturn his loss in the US election as Michigan lawmakers indicated they would not seek to undo Joe Biden's projected win in the state."

"In Arizona, a judge rejected a lawsuit filed last week by the state Republican Party seeking a new audit of ballots in Maricopa County, home to Phoenix - the state capital and largest city."

"In Pennsylvania, the Trump campaign lost their bid in state court to throw out more than 2,000 postal ballots."

Now is the time for him to graciously bow out.

faustina said...

And what has the incumbent been doing?
Making more bad choices... as is his nature.
Firing competent people, moving military troops around.

At least this nightmare has only two more months.

faustina said...

December 14.
That's when the Electoral College is to formally announce the winner of the 2020 US Presidential Election.

Great googly moogly.
At least the incumbent has agreed to allow the elected candidate to begin the process of moving into the White House and assuming his duties.
For his part, the newly-elected is being very gracious about all of this posturing from the incumbent.

I plan to hold off any celebrations until after the swearing-in has been done on January 20, 2021.

faustina said...

What was that I said about the incumbent making the worst possible decisions and doing them loudly?
Well, he's still doing so...
but now the Republicans in the Senate are voting against him.
Good for them.
A little late, but at least they're trying to separate their party standards from his.

faustina said...

The incumbent's lunacy continues.
Only 18 days remain until the elected President is sworn into office.
The incumbent has yet to concede.

That means the concession rests squarely on the shoulders of outgoing Vice President Pence to concede after his official reading of the votes of the Electoral College to Congress on January 6.
Honestly, I'm learning more about the US election process from the BBC than I ever knew.