Saturday, October 24, 2020

what would Elvis do?


Odd title for this post, I know, but just hear me out.
There are two constitutional amendments and one referendum that are holding up the completion of my absentee ballot.
A friend told me that those weren't the important parts of the ballot.
I explained to him that those are the most important portions of the entire thing.
Those three items will affect the state of Georgia for all time; the candidates on the ballot will only affect us (and the nation) until the end of their elected term.
Apparently, he had not considered it from that angle.
So, just why am I being slowed down by these three items?
Well, primarily, I do not understand the context behind their inclusion on the ballot.
One of the amendments seems rather petty to me and the other appears to be redundant and unneeded.
As for the referendum, I have to wonder about greed fostering its creation.
I've gone to the Georgia voters website, hoping for more information.
Well, they had it, but it was just more legalese and no rationalization.
That's when I thought I'd look at them with some assistance from the King.
He dealt with far more lawyers and politicians than I ever have.
Constitutional Amendment -1-
House Resolution 164
Act No. 597
Authorizes dedication of fees and taxes to their intended purposes by general state law.
"Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to authorize the General Assembly to dedicate revenues derived from fees or taxes to the public purpose for which such fees or taxes were intended?" 
Seriously, that's the words used on the ballot.
My question is this: why would such fees be used for anything else?
If you're picking money from my pocket to renovate the buildings and grounds at Grayson Stadium, then that's exactly what should be done with that money.
And yet, years ago, when an extra penny county tax  came into being, it was specifically slated for that purpose, as well as some other beautification projects in Chatham county.
The decrepit stands along the left field wall were torn down...
the beer loft was erected...
and the field was resodded and irrigated for better drainage.
That extra penny is still being taken from my pocket, but no changes have been made at the ball park for at least six years.
Hence, the reason we now have Bananas instead of Sand Gnats.
Elvis, your advice please?
"A little less conversation, a little more action.
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me. "
My thoughts, too.
Constitutional Amendment -2-
House Resolution 1023
Act No. 596
Waives state and local sovereign immunity for violation of state laws, state and federal constitutions.
"Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to waive sovereign immunity and allow the people of Georgia to petition the superior court for relief from governmental acts done outside the scope of lawful authority or which violate the laws of the state, the Constitution of Georgia, or the Constitution of the United States?" 
This sounds like a bunch of whiny rich folks wanting to sue a mayor somewhere.
They would have to be rich to bring such a frivolous lawsuit before the superior court, or before any court for that matter.
How this ever made it off the floor and onto a ballot is a mystery.
What advice can you give me, dear Elvis?
"We can't go on together
With suspicious minds
And we can't build our dreams
On suspicious minds
That's vey true.
As long as folks are being paranoid that the government is out to get them, nothing useful will come of that misplaced suspicion.
Thanks for the insight!
 Statewide Referendum -A-
House Resolution344
Act No.149
Establishes a tax exemption for certain real property owned by charities.
"Shall the Act be approved which provides an exemption from ad valorem taxes for all real property owned by a purely public charity, if such charity is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code and such real property is held exclusively or the purpose of building or repairing single-family homes to be financed by such charity to individuals using loans that shall not bear interest?" 
Say what?
So, perhaps a church is wanting to provide money to a parishioner in the form of a zero-interest loan so said parishioner can build a home for one of their adult children?
And the parishioner has bequeathed the property to the church to avoid paying property taxes to the city and county?
Is that what this referendum would allow?
Again, it just sounds like money being shuttled from my pocket to someone else's.
Those ad valorem taxes are needed to pay for road upkeep and street lights, police protection and fire departments, hospitals and schools.
Any taxes not paid by others, thanks to legal shenanigans like this, means more monies taken from the pockets of me and my neighbors.
Elvis, give me the word for this one!
"You do all the living
While I do all the giving
'Cause I love you
Too much.
Well you spend all my money
Too much.
Yeah, I hear where you're coming from.
My buck stops with me on this one.
Last night, I made sure to drop my completed absentee ballot into the official drop box there on Eisenhower Drive.
I had taken it with me when I left for my date with the two Adams at the AMC Classic 10 (aka, the Carmike).
I actually had enough time between my doubleheader to TCB - 
that's Take Care of Business, as the King of Rock'n'Roll would say.

I call it a little something different.
Right place, right time.
See that mighty fine odometer reading?
I wasn't even looking for it, but there it was:  214600.
That was upon my arrival for "The Addams Family" (the one with the talented Finn Wolfhard), and right after, to go vote.
Right place, right time.
After casting my ballot, I arrived back at the cinema just before Carolyn, who was joining me for the new Adam Brody movie,  "The Kid Detective".
We both agree that it is one of the best movies this year, if not the best.
Definitely not for children, it was much deeper than I'd expected.
Right place, right time.
What a memorable date night for me that was!


faustina said...

My ballot was accepted on Wednesday, October 28, 2020.
I received notification of that fact from the group below, via email.

I'll definitely want to keep track of that link!
Now, how do I make the political ads stop???
All of that is moot for me.
I've done my civic duty! said...

Protect Georgia had this email waiting for me this morning.
Better late than never, I guess.

"Trust Fund Honesty Needs YOUR Help
Dear Faustina,
Under the Georgia Constitution, legislators can create fees to fund specific programs, but they can’t guarantee that the fees collected will be used for their intended purposes. Unfortunately, these fees are often diverted to the state’s general fund to pay for other things. Over the years, the state has raided trust funds like the Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste funds that were collected to help state and local governments address tire dumps, repair problems at landfills, and remediate hazardous waste sites.
We must pass Amendment 1! If approved by Georgia voters on this year’s ballot, it will allow the state legislature to require that fees collected for a certain cause can only be spent on their originally stated purpose. This will result in fully-funded programs to clean up scrap tire dumps and decades-old hazardous waste sites.
Vote “YES” on 1! And then help us SPREAD THE WORD!"