Saturday, March 7, 2020

some pig, there in the yard

I actually had to throw myself out of my house!
Today was much colder than the last few have been.
So, even though I'd looked forward to "Charlotte's Web",
and even though I am so fond of the high-energy plays brought alive by Savannah Stage Company,
I was not too keen on going to Starland Yard and its outside performance area.
Fortunately, a 1999 penny was waiting on DeSoto.
Right place, right time.
Most definitely, on both counts.
I had missed only a minute or two and was soon wrapped into the tale of the spring pig, Wilbur, who had been destined for an eventual dinner at the Zuckerman farm.
But not on Charlotte's watch!
As a spider, no one had ever wanted to befriend her, no one, that is, until Wilbur asked her to play with him.
Charlotte used her crazy mad skills at web-slinging to save the sweet little pig's life.
The farming family was so surprised when they'd brought the morning slop.
"SOME PIG" was writ large there in the barn!
Soon, folks were coming by to read the spiderweb
and to see the pig, too.
Wonder of wonders, it must have been a miracle!
But the novelty wore off.
"TERRIFIC" was the next posting from Charlotte -
and it did the trick, for a while.
"What have you done for me lately?" most often
becomes the chanted mantra.
So it was there on the farm.
But the county fair was coming up.
Maybe the little pig might win the blue ribbon.
"RADIANT" was the beaming reply inscribed in the
fine design on the web!
Off to the fair they all went, too!
One more message from the spider seemed needed and the rat found
the perfect word:
And did the ploy work?
Did curly-tailed Wilbur the pig take the blue ribbon?
Sadly, he did not...
he was awarded a prize specially created just for him!
A long life was to be his reward!
Sadly, Charlotte's good life was destined to be short, but she died knowing she had saved the only one who had ever befriended her.
How very sweet!
Thanks, y'all, for warming my heart!

1 comment:

faustina said...

September 15th will see a revival, of sorts, of this musical, by this same troupe.
Well, kinda sorta.
Their new Teen Troupe will be performing it this time.

I just may have to go down to Tybee on Thursday to see it.